
How to Build a Green Smoothie - The Template


Ahhh....the green smoothie.  It's tasty, convenient, great for the young and old alike, and helps us stay on track with our goals.


Sometimes it doesn't come out right!  Sometimes it's too thick, or too watery, or not sweet enough.  How do you know if it's balanced, anyway?

No worries.  I put together a Green Smoothie Template for you.  Share it, print it, stick it on your fridge.  Use it as a checklist for when you make your next smoothie.  You will be left with delicious, smooth, healthy, balanced green smoothies every time!

Grab your copy of the template right here.

***Would you like to stay 'in the know' and receive more of my resources, healthified recipes, weight loss videos, and wellness tips?  Subscribe to my newsletter so you won't miss a thing!***

In good health,


White Bean and Spinach Stew


These days, many people are looking for more plant-based meals for various reasons and still crave a hearty meal. Plant-based can still mean something with sustenance, warmth, vibrant colors, and flavors to help fill your belly and your soul!  Stews are a great way to satisfy that need for a heartier meal.  They can be served warm in the colder months, and cold on a hot and humid day.  

The spinach in this meal delivers a serving of low-glycemic vegetables, gut-promoting fiber, and vitamin K, A, C and folate.  The iron in spinach plays a role in well-functioning red blood cells which help to transport oxygen around the body.

The phytochemicals ("plant magic") in onions can reduce the amount of damaging free radicals circulating in your body.  The sulfur and chromium work in tandem to help reduce blood sugar.

Olive oil is rich in heart-healthy, monounsaturated fat.  This helps us absorb all the fat-soluble vitamins in the dish, promote healthy hormones, and nourish our skin and hair.  Olive oil also has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is a staple in health-promoting Mediterranean Diet.

Thyme is known to help sore well as lowering high blood pressure and helping to manage elevated cholesterol in the blood.

Garlic is highly nutritious, yet low in calories.  The powerful compounds in garlic can help to reduce and stabilize blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Cannelli beans brings a plant-based serving of protein to help heal damaged tissues and promote and strong and lean body.  These white beans are also full of fiber which promote a diverse microbiome, weight management, and regular bowel movements.

The lycopene (that red hue) in tomatoes are activated most during the cooking process.  It has been shown to promote the health of the skin, prostate, heart, bones, and blood vessels.


White Bean and Spinach Stew (Serves 4)



• 1 tablespoon olive oil 

• 1 medium onion, chopped

• 4 cloves garlic, minced 

• 1 Tbsp. fresh thyme, chopped (or 1 tsp. dried) 

• 2 x 16-oz. cans cannellini beans or other white beans, rinsed & drained 

• 1/2 cup water 

• 4 canned plum tomatoes, drained (organic if possible)

• 1 x 14-ounce low sodium veggie broth (organic if possible)

• 3 cups baby spinach, chopped

• 1/4 tsp. sea salt 

• 1/4 tsp. fresh ground black pepper



1. Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion.  Cook for about 5 minutes or until soft. 

2.  Add garlic and thyme; cook 1 minute. 

3.  Add the beans, water, tomatoes, and broth. Increase heat to high until stew begins to simmer. 

4.  Reduce heat; let simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring. Add more water, if needed.

5. Stir in the spinach, and cook until wilted.  Season with salt and pepper.


***If you want to make sure you catch my recipes, weight loss videos, and wellness tips, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter list here.***

In good health,


The 4 reasons you eat (yup, there are ONLY 4!)

When it comes to losing weight, you MUST treat the cause...or the results will be temporary!
— Tara

Here's the deal...diets are bandaids.  They are NOT getting to the root cause of why you are overweight.  They are NOT teaching you anything except for how to conform to someone else's rules for a set amount of time.  And?  The weight comes right back...and then some.


But there's good news too...

There are ONLY 4 reasons why you ever eat.  You may eat for 2 or more of these reasons at a time, but it will ALWAYS fit into at least one of the following reasons:

1) Fuel.  You're physically hungry and want to fuel your body with healthy foods.  Cool!

2) Joy.  You want the pleasure of the way something tastes or the experience (social, usually).  This can be a glass of wine, some dark chocolate, or your favorite cupcake or ice cream.  There is a time and place for this in our lives.  Frequency of the indulgence should depend on your goals.

Goals are dreams with a deadline. Treat them as such.
— Tara

3) Distraction.  You really need a break or to veg out.  You think you deserve _______ (insert junk food here) because you've been working hard all week.  You find yourself at the bottom of a bag of chips and don't remember eating them all!  You will recognize this as feeling out-of-body - like you're in a fog while you're eating.

4) Numbing.  You're avoiding feeling sad, angry, bored, lonely, frustrated, stuck, powerless, etc.  This gets deep.  And, this one means that when you stop overeating, you will HAVE to start to accept feeling your feelings and not resisting them.  It takes us just as much energy to resist our feelings as it does to just feel them and carry on.  Wowza!  You will recognize this category as binge eating...lots of food in a small window of time.  It will feel as though it's out of your control.  But, it's not.  There's that good news I mentioned!

Once you become aware, things can start to change.  Awareness alone can be a powerful change agent.

Check out this live video I did on facebook last week all about this topic.

If you're feeling like you're ready for a change, let's make a change!  Consider me your tour guide.  Check out my customized, all-online (no appointments necessary), one-on-one coaching program - Pioneer Nutrition and Fitness Coaching.  ***This is only for those that are serious about making a change and who are ready to experience the added benefits of boosted energy, healthy emotions, and overall wellness that will come with their weight loss.

In good health,


P.S. Are you inside of my private facebook group yet?  If so, "see" you there!  If not, why not!? You will get a community of like-minded women, challenges to participate in if you wish, healthy recipes, and weekly workouts...all for FREE!  ;-)  Join us!

How to gain weight FAST (and what it means for your weight loss journey)

Hey there,

Sometimes when I get frustrated about lack of progress somewhere in my life, I think about how I could go about it a different way.  

Today, I'm sharing the secrets of people who want to gain weight you can do the exact OPPOSITE and apply it to your successful weight loss journey.

Sound good?

It's a simple strategy, but that doesn't mean it's easy.  Are you up for the challenge?  Watch the video for details.  :-)

In good health,


Pea Protein and Shape Magazine

Hey there, inter-web friends,

I have some exciting news to share with you!  I was recently featured in Shape (yup...that publication) in an article all about pea protein.  Pea protein has been gaining popularity lately thanks to the fact that it's free of gluten, grains, dairy, and not on the list of common allergens.  It's use is versatile - mix it in smoothies, baked goods, oatmeal, pudding, and fruit dips.

Check out the article here.

Have you ever tried pea protein?  What's your favorite kind?

In good health,


15 small dietary tweaks to help you lose weight - Insider & Business Insider

Eek!  Ya know that feeling when you're so excited you wanna scream it from the rooftop?!?

I was featured TWICE in Insider and Business Insider this week.  The article is about small dietary tweaks you can make to help you lose some excess weight.  Check out my tips (the last two) about tea and bread.  :-)

You can read the article here.

I'd love to hear from you.  Have you tried implementing any of these tips already?  

In good health,


Cherry Coconut Chia Pudding

Good morning!

If you're like me and you sometimes wait until last minute to decide on a dessert to make or serve to your family or for a special occasion, I've gotcha covered with this SUPER EASY, no-bake option.


Cherry Coconut Chia Pudding
(Serves 3)


  • 1 cup full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen cherries, chopped (plus extra for topping)
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 2-3 T coconut flakes, unsweetened
  • 1/2 tsp stevia (or substitute with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup)


  1. Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl the night before you're having company over.
  2. Leave overnight in the fridge.
  3. The next day, spoon into 3 of your prettiest bowls and garnish with more cherries and/or coconut flakes.

Voila!  Enjoy.

If you try this one, please drop a comment below and let me know what you think!

In good health,


"Tara, what do YOU eat?!"

Hey there,

There's been one question that I've been hearing for years and years now..."Tara, what do YOU eat?!"  Ever since I became a vegetarian at the age of 8, people have been wondering what a day in the life plate....looks like.  :-)

Well, today I figured I'd address this question as I reveal an exciting announcement.  My next 10-Day Healthy New You Reset is now open for enrollment at the early bird pricing!  This reset is for you if you're interested in heading into the Summer with a body you love living in.  You can expect weight loss, increased energy levels, and decreased sugar cravings, to name a few things.  Check out this page to read the testimonials and find all of the details!  

Spots are limited and the early bird pricing is only up until tomorrow at 11:59 PM, so grab your spot NOW and join us!

In good health,


7 ways to ADD stress into your life (yup...ADD stress)

Hey guys,

I'm sharing 7 (it's actually 8...shhh) tips that I use to varying degrees to add beneficial stress (called hormesis) onto my body.  This beneficial stress is enough to build a more robust immune system, allow my body to become more resilient, fight disease, and prevent some future disease.

Curious about this?  Check out my tips in this video.

P.S. If you want to make sure you don't miss any of my healthified recipes, workouts, and wellness tips, make sure you sign up for my newsletter list AND join my private facebook community. That's where all the fun is!  :-)

In good health,


What the heck does my one-on-one coaching do?

Hello inter-web friends!

Two nights ago I attended an amazing event to raise money for research into natural cancer cures.  This event was to celebrate the Iron Moms that were nominated here on Long Island, NY.  I discovered what an Iron Mom is - a woman that puts health, nutrition, and fitness at the top of the priority list for herself, her family, and her community.  An Iron Mom gives back, volunteers, and feels lit up about the tireless work she's tackling to make a difference.  An Iron Mom often has overcome adversity, health struggles, and has seen the light of day.  It was a massive honor to be in the company of such amazing women.  If you were there, you know what I mean.  

In preparation for my speech, I was taking a little inventory on what it is I actually do day in and day out.  And I realized...that I have NEVER shared a sneak peak into my private one-on-one coaching program, Pioneer Nutrition and Fitness Coaching.  Hmm.  Well, I'm changing that today! You should know I can help you.  You should know I work virtually, so geographic location is not a barrier for us working together.  You should also know that each and every one of my clients is a partner of mine - a partner in our journey towards the healthiest, happiest, most confident version of themselves.  

Watch the video for more details and recent results from current clients.

I can help you break the dieting cycle.  Shoot me a note here if you have any questions.

Healthy Freezer Fudge

Hey there!

Come on in a little closer.  Tell me, do you ever have cravings for chocolate?!

Yeah...most of us do!

A few days ago here in New York, the whole family was 'stuck' at home in a big Spring snowstorm and it was both awesome and HECTIC.  You mamas out there know what I mean!

So, in search of both an activity to do with the kiddos AND a healthy snack that would feel like a complete indulgence for all of us, we gathered together and made Healthy Freezer Fudge...without a recipe.  


This non-recipe "recipe" is sooooo easy and requires only 4 ingredients.  It's pretty hard to mess up.

Watch the video for more details and to get a peak into the hecticness and cuteness I referred to above.  ;-)

Now it's your turn to tell me - what's your go-to snack or dessert when you're stuck in the house all day?


In good health,


I have PCOS and autoimmune issues...

A few days ago, I did a totally different kind of live video....I turned the lens on MYSELF!  

I get different versions of the same question from you guys A LOT.  It's something like, "Where are you at on YOUR health journey?" or, "How do you have the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle?", or even sometimes, "You don't know what it's like to be unhealthy like me!"

So, I set up my iphone, took a seat, and spoke from the heart....for almost an HOUR!  It's raw, it's real, and it's me.  I take you through my PCOS journey, autoimmune issues, blood sugar issues, infertility and IVF, and share what I'm doing to combat these issues holistically.

Thank you for watching and if you're going through your own health struggles, please leave me a comment or email me at  I want you to know I read every one myself and I want you to know you're NOT alone!

In (search of) good health,


What is the MICROBIOME and why it matters for weight loss and health

Microbiome.  Gut health.  The second brain.  These are buzz words lately...and they're NOT going away!  If you ever wondered what it's all about and whether or not the microbiome is being hyped (it's not), check out this video.  Giving your insides a bit of your attention can pay off BIG TIME for your wellness and weight loss journey.

And, if you could use a bit of a jump-start with said wellness and weight loss journey, check out the details for my next 10-Day Healthy New You Reset.  Early-bird pricing is available NOW!  ;-)

Find out more right here.

EATING MORE for weight loss

January is almost over!

How are those resolutions coming along?

I recorded a video LIVE on facebook last week that may help you with your weight loss goals AND hunger pangs.  We got into macros, portion sizes, quality foods, and how to ADD more food into your day while crowding out the junk.  This won't just help your waistline, it will help improve your overall health!

Happy Saturday,


Maple Sea Salt Fudge

Hey there,

Ready for the holidays yet?  Me neither!

If you are new to my site, I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to join my free newsletter list. My newsletter is where I share SO MANY more of my healthified recipes and wellness tips to get you healthy, fit, and strong! It’s a one-stop shop. ;-)

And while you’re at it, you might as well join my private facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health, too! Inside you’ll find weekly challenges to optimize your body and mind, more recipes, and fun fitness Fridays.

Alrighty, so what if you had one more, quick & easy, healthy, NO BAKE dessert recipe in your arsenal to have at your fingertips for the remainder of the parties and gatherings?  

I love to have some desserts in the freezer - especially this time of year!  This helps cut back on the last-minute prep stress and means that if someone stops by last minute or we're running out and want the kids to be able to partake in dessert too, we have some options on hand.

This Maple Sea Salt Fudge is sooooooo satisfying!  It's delicious and festive, plus it's full of protein and healthy fats to help keep you from devouring the cookie platters you just worked so hard to create.  :-)

<< These are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and paleo>>

Don't they LOOK amazing too?!


Maple Sea Salt Fudge


1 cup almond butter

1/2 cup cashew butter

1/2 cup coconut oil (melted then cooled to room temp.)

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1.5 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tsp sea salt (optional: extra for garnish)



1. In a large bowl, mix together nut butters, maple syrup, and coconut oil.

2. Mix in vanilla and sea salt.

3. Line a cake pan (8X8 works well) with parchment paper.

4. Spread mixture evenly into cake pan.  

5. Optional: Garnish with sea salt.

6. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours.

7. Cut into squares (using a warm knife). Place remaining squares back into the freezer to store.


Let me know if you try these! 


In holiday cheer and good health,


Crustless Pumpkin Pie... and a Thanksgiving Travel Workout

Thankful and Grateful...

I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for signing up for being part of my community here on the inter-webs.  I look forward to creating even more recipes, workouts, videos, and all-things-womens-health moving forward….so that I can share it all with you!

If you're hosting on Thanksgiving this year, or maybe just want to bring along a dessert that you know you'll enjoy, this Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe will hit the spot!  Best of all, it's gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and contains no refined sugar.  If you or any of your friends or family are avoiding these categories of food for health reasons, you'll be the hit of the party for serving (or bringing) a dessert that they can have.  :-)

Check out my Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe here.


Are you traveling this holiday season?

Did you catch my video that includes a quick & easy full-body workout? It's perfect for hotel rooms or extended family's bathrooms…whichever!  ;-)

You can watch that right here.

Cheers to a peaceful, laughter-filled holiday!

In health and gratitude,

You're Invited: 25 Tips to Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel

With Thanksgiving Day right around the corner (11 days away, to be exact), many people are finalizing plans to hit the road via plane, train, automobile, or all of the above to visit loved ones and tolerated ones alike.  :-)

Many of my clients tell me it's the hustle and bustle and travel of the holiday season that sets them back further than the actual holidays themselves when it comes to their health goals. Can you relate?  Me too!

Eat Real Food.JPG

So, I have put something together for you!

Starting tomorrow, inside my private community on Facebook, we will be taking the whole week to talk about ways to stay on track while you make your rounds this holiday season.

To get in on the fun, join this (FREE) group of awesome ladies that are striving to take better care of themselves and their families.

Hope to see you inside the group!

In good health,


Lentil - Veggie Soup

When does soup season officially start in your household?  My car said it was 45 degrees outside yesterday morning when I was up and out early.  Commence souping!  

I've been focusing on natural immunity boosting this past week with my private Facebook community, Lean In with Tara Allen Health.  The omnipresent echo of late October sniffles always seem to inspire my most nurturing of recipes.  Besides the winning ingredients (garlic, spices, plants, protein) in this next recipe, the fact that it is a soup - a hot liquid - will be key in helping to fight off some germs.  When we bring a mug of something nice and hot close to our face (no burning yourself though, deal?!), the steam helps to kill off those pesky buggers that like to hang out in our nostrils and cause head colds.  So, take your time with your soup or tea or coffee and try to inhale as you canoodle with your warm cup of ANYthing. :-)

Here's a soup recipe that I happen to love.  I wanted something warming, hearty, plant-based, and free of dairy and gluten so my whole family could partake.  If it passes that taste-test for your family, make it in large batches next time around and freeze some so if/when you ARE feeling under the weather, you have this on the ready and don't even have to worry about cooking.

Lentil-Veggie Soup Immunity.jpg

***Lentil-Veggie Soup***




1 pound lentils, rinsed

2 quarts broth (chicken, veggie, whatever)

1 cup onion, chopped

1 cup tomatoes, chopped

1/2 cup celery, chopped

1/2 cup carrots, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

3 T olive oil

2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp chili powder




1. Pour olive oil in bottom of large saucepan on stovetop (medium heat).

2. Add carrots, celery, onion, and garlic, and cook about 5 minutes (onions should become slightly translucent).

3. Add all remaining ingredients.

4. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low.

5. Cook an additional 30-35 minutes on low.

6. Serve as is for a chunkier consistency.  Or, use an immersion blender (or transfer to a blender in batches) for a smoother consistency (picky toddlers, anyone?). ;-)

7. Freeze any leftovers that won't be eaten over the next few days.


Here's why I'm breaking up with hand-washing...

What are YOUR big rocks?

Are you mopping the floor when your house is on fire?

Are you chewing gum for the extra calorie burn, but then chugging down a Venti Frap on your way home from work?

Watch this #WonderWednesday LIVE video to see what the heck I'm talking about…and help figure out where to start with your weight loss and health goals.

Then, come back and drop a comment.  Tell me, what is one of YOUR big rocks?

In good health,


P.S. It's subtle, but around a minute or so in, I shoo away a neighbor so I can keep talking to you guys!  :-O  Oops.  At least I'm passionate!  Haha.