
Fit As A Mother - The Learning Tower

Hey there,

Thank you for your feedback on my latest video series, Fit As A Mother!  I've been getting facebook messages, instagram DMs, emails, and texts about them and the general consensus seems to be that they're funny, silly, and helping to make you think outside the box when it comes to your fitness.

That's all I could hope for!

Here's the latest one in which I use our Learning Tower - a sturdy bench thingy made for kids to help in the kitchen.  I'm having fun coming up with these ideas and they've sparked some new creativity for me in my own workouts as well.  Sometimes we get into a rut and just need a change!

Please keep the feedback coming.  You love 'em...you hate 'em....they make you laugh...? Regardless, I appreciate hearing all of what you have to say.

Hope you have a fabulous start to your week!

In good health,


Fit As a Mother (the series) - Toy Truck

Hey you,

Remember how I mentioned I workout sometimes with weird 'props'?!  Well....yup!  Check out these 4 exercises you can do with a toy truck.  This workout is low impact (read: quiet) and can be done while little ones are NAPPING.  Woo hoo!

Try this: 3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise you see me do here (there are 4 in total).  You'll be done in a few minutes, but man oh man, you'll be feeling GOOD!  That's 'cause you're Fit As A Mother.

*high five*

In good health,


Introducing...Fit As A Mother (a new series)!

Hey guys,

I've been known to work out in some weird places with some weird things!  I'm a mama.  By definition, I'm good at coming up with weirdness at the drop of a hat.  You too, right?!

So I've been thinking about bringing forth this new idea for a series that you can find here or on facebook, instagram, and youtube by searching for #FitAsAMother.  It'll be me squeezing in my workouts in a realistic setting with realistic 'props' and possibly some laughs.  Sound cool?  Please drop a comment below or shoot me a quick note to let me know if you love this idea or....not so thrilled with it.  I want to make sure it's something that YOU will enjoy.

Thank you!  Without further ado, on Mothers' Day...Fit As A Mother. The Series, part 1:

In good health,


P.S. Happy Mothers' Day to all the beautiful mamas out there!

7 ways to ADD stress into your life (yup...ADD stress)

Hey guys,

I'm sharing 7 (it's actually 8...shhh) tips that I use to varying degrees to add beneficial stress (called hormesis) onto my body.  This beneficial stress is enough to build a more robust immune system, allow my body to become more resilient, fight disease, and prevent some future disease.

Curious about this?  Check out my tips in this video.

P.S. If you want to make sure you don't miss any of my healthified recipes, workouts, and wellness tips, make sure you sign up for my newsletter list AND join my private facebook community. That's where all the fun is!  :-)

In good health,


What the heck does my one-on-one coaching do?

Hello inter-web friends!

Two nights ago I attended an amazing event to raise money for research into natural cancer cures.  This event was to celebrate the Iron Moms that were nominated here on Long Island, NY.  I discovered what an Iron Mom is - a woman that puts health, nutrition, and fitness at the top of the priority list for herself, her family, and her community.  An Iron Mom gives back, volunteers, and feels lit up about the tireless work she's tackling to make a difference.  An Iron Mom often has overcome adversity, health struggles, and has seen the light of day.  It was a massive honor to be in the company of such amazing women.  If you were there, you know what I mean.  

In preparation for my speech, I was taking a little inventory on what it is I actually do day in and day out.  And I realized...that I have NEVER shared a sneak peak into my private one-on-one coaching program, Pioneer Nutrition and Fitness Coaching.  Hmm.  Well, I'm changing that today! You should know I can help you.  You should know I work virtually, so geographic location is not a barrier for us working together.  You should also know that each and every one of my clients is a partner of mine - a partner in our journey towards the healthiest, happiest, most confident version of themselves.  

Watch the video for more details and recent results from current clients.

I can help you break the dieting cycle.  Shoot me a note here if you have any questions.

Crustless Pumpkin Pie... and a Thanksgiving Travel Workout

Thankful and Grateful...

I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for signing up for being part of my community here on the inter-webs.  I look forward to creating even more recipes, workouts, videos, and all-things-womens-health moving forward….so that I can share it all with you!

If you're hosting on Thanksgiving this year, or maybe just want to bring along a dessert that you know you'll enjoy, this Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe will hit the spot!  Best of all, it's gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and contains no refined sugar.  If you or any of your friends or family are avoiding these categories of food for health reasons, you'll be the hit of the party for serving (or bringing) a dessert that they can have.  :-)

Check out my Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe here.


Are you traveling this holiday season?

Did you catch my video that includes a quick & easy full-body workout? It's perfect for hotel rooms or extended family's bathrooms…whichever!  ;-)

You can watch that right here.

Cheers to a peaceful, laughter-filled holiday!

In health and gratitude,

You're Invited: 25 Tips to Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel

With Thanksgiving Day right around the corner (11 days away, to be exact), many people are finalizing plans to hit the road via plane, train, automobile, or all of the above to visit loved ones and tolerated ones alike.  :-)

Many of my clients tell me it's the hustle and bustle and travel of the holiday season that sets them back further than the actual holidays themselves when it comes to their health goals. Can you relate?  Me too!

Eat Real Food.JPG

So, I have put something together for you!

Starting tomorrow, inside my private community on Facebook, we will be taking the whole week to talk about ways to stay on track while you make your rounds this holiday season.

To get in on the fun, join this (FREE) group of awesome ladies that are striving to take better care of themselves and their families.

Hope to see you inside the group!

In good health,


Here's why I'm breaking up with hand-washing...

What are YOUR big rocks?

Are you mopping the floor when your house is on fire?

Are you chewing gum for the extra calorie burn, but then chugging down a Venti Frap on your way home from work?

Watch this #WonderWednesday LIVE video to see what the heck I'm talking about…and help figure out where to start with your weight loss and health goals.

Then, come back and drop a comment.  Tell me, what is one of YOUR big rocks?

In good health,


P.S. It's subtle, but around a minute or so in, I shoo away a neighbor so I can keep talking to you guys!  :-O  Oops.  At least I'm passionate!  Haha.

Pioneer Nutrition and Fitness Coaching

Some of you have been requesting more information about my new coaching program.  Most importantly, you get me as your coach.  ;-)  I am your partner, guide, educator, cheerleader, and accountability buddy.  I have partnered with another company to bring you the best of the tech world, while allowing me to focus completely on YOU and your health journey.  Along with high-quality videos, we will be communicating through the very portal where you will also view your daily lessons and workout program. 

What does this portal look like once you get started?  Well, here is a sneak peak!

This is a 12-month program.  12 months will pass whether you make a change or not.  I want you to be the person you've always imagined one year from today.  And, I want you to start seeing and feeling this progress as soon as we start working together!

Hit me up with all of your questions!  Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com


In good health,


Quality PLUS Quantity for healthy fat loss

Hey there! 

[Thanks for rolling with the kiddos interrupting my live video!]  :-P  

Food quality PLUS food quantity is the secret sauce for healthy fat loss.

I'm NOT a believer in counting calories - at least not over the long-term.  I believe, in general, we could benefit from less stress surrounding food choices and body image.  However, it IS true that if you take in more energy (calories) than your body uses, you will gain weight.

Quality of nutrition is SUPER important!  Less chemicals and additives; more real & whole food.  That's what truly nourishes our bodies.

So, if you're looking for both HEALTH and FAT LOSS, the key comes from eating high quality foods in appropriate portion sizes for your body / activity level / hormones.

This is one of the topics that is customized specifically for you in my online program - Pioneer Nutrition & Fitness Coaching.  It is a 12-month program, with the option of committing to just the first 3 or 6 months if you're a get-my-toes-wet-first type of person.  

Instead of trying every single year to lose the fat, this program takes one year and since it's done in a lifestyle-changing & sustainable way, you'll have to find some new thing to obsess over every year for your New Years' resolution.  ;-)

Intrigued?  Ready to dive in?  Here's the link. 

In good health,


Squeezing Exercise in (For Busy Peeps)

I was approached by the Diabetes Council a few weeks ago to participate in an article about squeezing movement into our busiest of days.  With a little preparation and a bit of creativity, you can rack up a good amount of heart-racing, muscle-pumping exercise right there inside of the daily grind…and fun!

Interested in these tips?  Be sure to stop and read #26.  ;-) 

Caring for your body post-baby and beyond!

I couldn't bring you all to the Blossom Baby Expo this past weekend here on Long Island, so at the last-minute suggestion of my hubby, I recorded my presentation LIVE to bring to YOU!  ;-)

We spoke about nutrition, fitness, sleep, support, and stress - specifically targeted for postpartum women, but these tips will help anyone!  I stopped the video before the Q&A started, for the privacy of our awesome mamas.

Please share this with any of your pregnant or postpartum friends.  This time in your / their lives is simultaneously the most important and yet the most challenging time to turn inward and take care of your own body.  It can be done!  Watch to learn more.

In good health,


Stretch and Relax….and eat muffins!

You know what I love almost as much as helping people for a living?  I love, love, LOVE, the diversity in my days and weeks.  I enjoy working one-on-one with my clients, and then heading to a corporate wellness event.  With a parent expo, speaking engagement, and LIVE (what!?!?) show all coming up in the next week, taking the time to visit my friends at National Business Capital here on Long Island last week to STRETCH and RELAX came at a good time.  Besides, it was about 12 hours after the Blizzard and everyone's tired backs needed the break!

We started with a silly little game to warm up our bodies, minds, and hearts.  Followed that up with some deep breathing and full-body stretching.  Topped it off with healthy muffins for everyone…"You get a muffin, you get a muffin, YOU get a muffin too!" (in my best Oprah voice).

Thanks for having me back, National Business Capital.  You guys rock!

Tip for you all:  Take a few minutes extra in your warm shower.  As you're washing your body, take an inventory of how things are feeling.  What's tight, what's achy?  Then after you've shampooed (or do you shampoo first?  Hmmm), do a little self-massage on tight areas and practice some range-of-motion right there under the warm stream of water.  Your muscles will be looser and more forgiving when they are warm. Plus, it's a nice quiet place to get an uninterrupted minute or two.  Well, unless you have young children.  :-/  They follow us everywhere.  

Let me know how it goes.  Disclaimer:  NO slipping allowed!  We're not talking about big, sweeping movements that should leave you off-balance, but if you're a bit unsteady on your feet, do the stretching after the shower instead.

Happy Thursday, everyone.

In good health,


Stretch and Relax

Last month I was asked to come into the very friendly and progressive company, National Business Capital, to have a bit of fun with the employees and take them through a nice stretching routine that they can implement into their busy days right at or next to their desks!  We laughed, we took deep breaths, we got the blood flowing.  I received several awesome emails afterwards letting me know about different ways in which that morning visit improved their day.  :-)

It's a new year and as such, I see many companies embracing employee wellness programs now more than ever.  Yay for 2017!  Yay for smart management!  WIth increased employee satisfaction and productivity and decreased sick days, you can see how the value and ROI far surpasses the investment.

Do you own or work for a company like this?  Do you want to see more companies - large AND small - taking time to educate and motivate their employees to take good care of their minds & bodies?  

Employee wellness programs may include stretching breaks, yoga, meditation, workout classes or personal trainers, nutrition consults, cooking demos, one-on-one health coaching, vital signs and consultations, a group sport, race, or contest.

I challenge you to speak with your boss about a potential employee wellness program being implemented or upgraded in your company.  If you ARE the boss, keep this in mind… healthy and productive employees are your biggest asset!

Pictured:  Silly activity at National Business Capital to "break the ice" before we started Stretch and Relax.  (Sorry to those I did not capture in the picture!  Next time I'll try to take more pictures).

Baby (Jagger) Bicep Curl-Shoulder Press

Have you ever seen a woman in jeans and a sweater doing an arm workout with a 20-ish pound baby as her weight?  Can't say "no" to that anymore!  ;-)

When you work primarily from home with a toddler and baby in-tow, you learn to be ok with getting ready either in 30 seconds or spreading it out over the course of the whole day - dressed now, makeup later, hair…eh. 

So what does this mean?  WelI for one, I got out last night.  Woo hoo!  But, it also meant I was clad in my best sweater-over-tank-top-for-easy-breastfeeding and ripped jeans before we got to shoot this demo video.  And yes, it's totally "we", because let's face it…Magnolia and Jagger steal the show.  ;-)

This bicep curl-shoulder press is a great way to work your upper body in one exercise.  The babies enjoy it too!

*Note: Please look out for low ceilings!  Grab those babies tight and only do this move if your little kiddo has complete head and neck control.  Alternatively, use a gallon of milk, a water bottle, or a dumbbell to add resistance.

Do 3 sets of 10 and feel the burn!  Your muscles will thank you.

Staying Healthy for the Holidays - Interviewed by Kimberly Chacon

A few weeks ago, I got the pleasure of being interviewed by a very special, local Mommy blogger.  We chatted about life, mama stuff, kiddos, and her journey as a young breast cancer survivor.  

Kimberly Chacon is a graduate of New York University.  Prior to becoming a stay-at-home mom, she taught English for ten years in New York City.  When she's not running after her 18 month old twins and eight month old baby, she blogs about kids, food, and motherhood at partyoffiveblog.com.

Thanks for taking the time to write this, Kimberly!  Here's the article and a quick picture we managed to sneak in (Kimberly, Magnolia, Jagger, and I):

I don't know about you, but winter always starts out great. I love the chill in the air and the approaching holidays, goodies, and gatherings. Then, I inevitably eat too many cookies at EVERY celebration and I fall into the "I'll get healthy in January" mindset. This year is different. I've been working hard to lose the baby weight and I don't want to go backwards. In addition to weight loss, it is also about keeping my energy up and staying healthy. So, I spoke with an expert to help me figure it out.

I sat down with Tara Allen to discuss health and winter woes. Her credentials include Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer and mom. But I want you to know something else: when you meet Tara she glows with good nutrition. Clear skin, lots of energy, and just "something"that tells you she's healthy. Additionally, I got to meet her darling kids, Jagger and Magnolia. As soon as Magnolia, three years old, sat down with her crayons she wanted to write a grocery list that included Brussel sprouts and green beans. Yes, that happened. At that moment I knew that Tara was the real deal, not just talking the talk, but walking the walk! Surrounded by kids and coffee we had a great chat.

K: Tara! Save me from myself this holiday season. I love ALL THE TREATS. I inevitably eat too many cookies and goodies at every celebration. Help! 

T: Don't show up to a holiday party starving. Just don't do it. Eat a light meal before and then think carefully about your choices. Choose which treat you are going to have and really savor it. If you love pumpkin pie, then wait until you have the best quality, most delicious pumpkin pie and enjoy it! Don't deprive yourself from all the treats or that will backfire. Also, always be prepared. If you know you are going out for a long day of holiday shopping, make sure to have trail mix or a fruit packed in your purse. This will help you avoid eating junk while you are out.

K: Ok, what about this dilemma? My main exercise has been walking, but now it's getting colder and it gets dark at 4 p.m. What workouts do you recommend for winter?

T: You can do workouts at home! Try this while the kids are playing: 10 push ups, 10 squats, walking lunges while wearing or holding your baby, then run up and down the stairs. Repeat this a few times during the day. There is always a way to work it in!  Alternate HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training) with long walks and yoga. Also, look on Youtube for free workout videos that you can do in your living room. (Addendum: After our interview, I made it a point to try and work in these kinds of exercises and it is possible, but you have to put your mind to it. The neighbors probably thought I was crazy, but I did squats while holding the baby in the backyard and ab twists using the pumpkins after Halloween. (Tara made a video showing this on her website and I was inspired to recycle my decorations. The pumpkin workout is no joke.)

K: I am trying really hard to avoid that winter "blah" feeling this year. What are some of the things you do to stay healthy during this season?

T: The first thing is that you should eat warming foods at this time of year. I am constantly roasting vegetables during winter. These are easy to pop on a baking sheet and into the oven to eat throughout the week.  I choose one temperature (usually 400 degrees F) and stagger cooking times as needed for each vegetable. In particular, I find myself making a variety of squash, most notably spaghetti and butternut squash.

My second recommendation is take more vitamin D. I love that you wrote a whole blog article about it and women need to know how important it is to their health. One source of vitamin D that people may not be aware of is pastured eggs. These are eggs from chickens that roam free. Their diet is better and makes them a great vitamin source. Also, find a great supplement that works for you. I take up to an extra 1,000 IUs daily during the winter. This helps to build your vitamin D stores when we have less access to sunlight.

K: Do you have any tips for implementing healthy holiday traditions for kids?

T: Actually, yes! My family has a strong tradition of making my grandmother's delicious recipes for Christmas goodies, but as you can imagine, those recipes are laden with shortening and white sugar. But, they are part of our family tradition, so here's what we do: we choose ONE of my grandmother's recipes to make and then make two healthy treats. We use the combination of traditional and healthy treats as gifts for friends and neighbors. This is my most popular "treat" recipe: Healthy Holiday Fudge (scroll down for recipe).

K: You write a lot about kids eating vegetables and I literally just heard your daughter ask for Brussel sprouts. How do you do it?

T: I have tried to make a practice that she eats a vegetable at every meal. I let her choose between two, so her voice is heard, but we eat them together and she loves them. She also helps me with writing grocery lists and meal planning. If you are struggling to get your little ones to eat vegetables, try my recipe for Butternut Squash Apple soup (see below). I suggest starting with it very sweet (more apples at first), then adjusting it to lessen the sweetness over time. It works! 

Thank you for all of these great tips! 


Healthy Holiday Fudge


  • ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
  • ¼ cup cacao powder
  • 2 T honey or maple syrup


1.    Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.

2.    Pour into silicone molds or spread evenly in pan.

3.    Place in refrigerator for 3-4 hours (or overnight).

4.    Pop out of molds or cut into squares and place in an air-tight container.

5.    Serve right out of refrigerator, as they will melt if kept at room temperature.



Butternut Squash Apple Soup




  • 1 Butternut squash, raw - peeled and chopped
  • 2 apples, any kind, chopped
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 cup water
  • 3 T coconut oil
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • salt and pepper to taste




1.    In a large pot, melt coconut oil.  Sautee onion for 3-5 minutes, until translucent.

2.    Add broth, water, squash, and apples.

3.    Bring to a boil.

4.    Cover and reduce heat.  Simmer for 35 minutes.

5.    Use an immersion blender or transfer batches of soup into a blender / food processor until it is a pureed consistency.

6.    Add cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, and salt and pepper.

7.    Garnish with pumpkin seeds or fresh herbs.

Baby Skull Crushers

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's….Jagger (all 20 pounds of him) and we're working out together!

Today is part 2 in my GREAT & GRATEFUL series that coincides with Thanksgiving week here in the United States.  As many of you know, I had an incredibly difficult time both with getting pregnant and during my two pregnancies as well.  After multiple rounds of IVF and two pregnancies with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (check out helpher.org for more about this disease), I might be the luckiest person I know to be on the 'other side' with two wonderful, healthy children.  In today's video, I share a brief, fun moment on the kitchen floor with Jagger.  We workout, we laugh, we play.  Magnolia just so happened to be upstairs avoiding her nap when this was shot.  ;-) Today I mention my journey, my babies, the beautiful life of joy and health we can now share together.  GREAT & GRATEFUL!

Try these at home with the nearest baby, toddler, or gallon of water you have for a good triceps burn.  **Please note: no skulls were actually crushed in the making of this video!  It's a weird name for an exercise, right?

In health and gratitude,


Pumpkin Workout

It's November 3rd.  You have pumpkins still out on the stoop in a Halloween-hangover of sorts.  You could throw them out (why?!?!), cook with them, donate them...

…But first, you should get a KILLER workout in (or 2 or 3) before you and your Orange Balls of Autumn-ness part ways.

In this 2.5 minute video (come on now, guys - you do have 2.5 minutes, right?), I show you 3 simple exercises you can do RIGHT NOW to get that blood pumping and endorphins bathing your brain and body.  Don't confuse simple with easy.  Do three sets of these 3 exercises for a QUICK and POWERFUL jolt of energy (and health and toned muscles…blah, blah).  ;-)

Ready?  3….2….1….press play!