virtual fitness trainer

Can you build breasts or a butt from exercise?

"Tara, can I build breasts and / or a butt from exercising?"

As soon as I received this question last week, I knew I needed to address it in a video as it's a big topic.

What's in our power? And what, exactly, can we do?

What's not in our power? And how do we make peace with that?



P.S. I can't believe it's December 22nd already! If you haven't grabbed my copy of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook and would like to do some gluten-free, dairy-free baking and dessert-making between now and the New Year, GRAB IT NOW. It's only available for just over a week longer! Makes for a great last-minute gift idea, too. ;-)

Promising holistic prevention + treatment of covid 19 (and other viruses + diseases)

It's been nicknamed, "The Miracle Molecule" for a reason....

Well, many reasons, actually. The reasons are that it helps prevent diabetes, insulin resistance, mood disorders, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimers, and erectile dysfunction (yes, even in women -- that's really a thing).

And did I mention ... it's showing very promising results in clinical trials as an effective, low risk treatment option for Covid-19 (and other viruses like the flu).

The best news is that it's a molecule that our body already produces! Under the best conditions, we already have enough of it. But many people do not, and end up suffering the consequences.

IN THIS LIVE VIDEO I discussed 6 ways we can increase this miracle molecule (which is nitric oxide) through simple, healthy lifestyle upgrades. I know so many of us would LOVE to know there's something more we can do to be taking care of ourselves and our loved ones during this pandemic. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION with anyone you think could benefit from it.

In summary:

1) Eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein. L-arginine is an amino acid we can get more of through our food and is used to convert nitric oxide.

2) Eat more vegetables with nitrates: celery, spinach, arugula, beets, lettuce. These nitrates are healthy, (unlike the nitrates in processed meat like hot dogs and bacon) and provide the raw materials needed to make nitric oxide.

3) Exercise! When we move, we increase blood flow through our body. This blood flow improves the endothelial function (the cells that line the blood vessels) ... and that's important because these are the cells that make nitric oxide!

4) Eat / supplement with antioxidants such as Vitamin E, C, polyphenols, and glutathione. Nitric oxide is a pretty unstable molecule and these antioxidants help stabilize it more so it sticks around longer.

5) Consider ditching the mouthwash. Using mouthwash is associated with an increase in diabetes, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease. Why? Well just like commercials say, it kills 99.99% of bacteria. But just like the commercials DON'T say, that's not necessarily a good thing! Not all bacteria is bad and the ones that are 'good' have very important jobs in our body. Our mouths happen to house a very important bacteria that helps up produce nitric oxide. If you're killing that off with mouthwash, you're at quite the disadvantage. I can't tell you what to do, of course! Chat with your doctors, your dentist.... do your own research. But I am telling you that you may want to look into this.

6) Nasal breathing! Breathing in and out through your nose brings nitric oxide into your body. Breathing in and out through your mouth does not. Think about how you breathe during the day when you're awake and also at night while you sleep... are you a mouth-breather? What might you be able to do about that?

Hope these help! If you've read all the way here and are still more interested in your body composition goals, let me tell you this: nitric oxide helps with metabolism. An insufficiency causes insulin resistance and excess fat storage. So it's a win-win to consider the above strategies. If you want to see the video, here's the link again.

How to run away from your goals

Some of us say we have certain goals, but don't actually know what it might entail to achieve said goals.

Some of us want what we want... while being comfortable the whole time and having an otherwise 'easy' life.

And others.... others do it differently. People who are successful at reaching their goals understand what it will take and they're willing to put in the work, even when no one is watching.

CHECK OUT THIS WEEK'S VIDEO for more about how most people end up inadvertently running away from their goals and how you can do exactly the opposite to finally make progress on yours.


P.S. Have you decided to end 2020 with some positivity? Maybe you are looking to get a bit leaner and healthier? Maybe you'd like to stop feeling so out of control around food and cravings? Maybe you want to finally commit to a home-based exercise program customized just for YOU.

And maybe you want ALL OF THE ABOVE (yeah....dream big!)

Did you know this is what I do for a living? I help all different kinds of people get from where they are right now to where they want to go. How? Through very targeted nutrition (never restrictive and always with room for FUN foods + drinks), a customized workout routine that can be followed from anywhere, and lots and lots of COACHING to get through the obstacles that derail most people -- time management, meal prep ideas, motivation, emotional eating, and lack of confidence that can make us feel less-than. If you've ever been curious about my 1-on-1 coaching program or would like to see details like the cost and some client before + afters, check it out! 

If you're having some guilt thinking about investing into your health, consider this: My top priorities are family, health, and career. When I do a quick audit of my calendar and finances, these 3 priorities are VERY much reflected as such. Is health a priority of yours as well? Does your calendar and budgeting reflect this yet? If not, it may be time to reconsider whether or not it's a true priority.

Whether you and I ever end up working together or not, I look forward to the day when you email me back and tell me you've moved your health to a top 3 priority spot. I know you deserve it. And I know you're here to love others for a long time and do great things ... that deserves your health as well!

If you'd like to chat about how you can be well on your way towards your goals long before we pop the bubbly and say au revoir to 2020, you can sign up for a free call so we can  make sure it's the right fit before moving forward. :-)

You cannot control the scale. Here's the work-around. ;-)

You have no control over the number on the scale.

Let's just get that disappointing fact out of the way. You can do everything according to plan and wake up to a higher number. You can go off the rails and wake up to a lower number. There will always be fluctuations that are very much out of our control - water retention, sodium levels, hormones, bathroom habits... there are many outside factors!

So, when we focus on something that is not exactly in our control, we get frustrated. We try to control it more only to realize that no matter what, weight loss goals OR weight gain goals will never be a linear process. The frustration and feeling of being out of control messes with our head and ultimately leads to us throwing in the towel. Why strive for something we're not able to control anyway, right? Ugh! 

But there is a better way. ;-)

We DO have control over our consistency. We should be tracking our consistency with precision and laser-focus. Here's how it works: you have ONE nutrition and fitness goal for each day. They need to be things you can easily say you either did or did not do at the end of the day. Then, you track whether or not you did those things each day.

That's it! Not bad, right? Grab a journal, notebook, wall calendar, or use your phone. Simply circle the days you hit both goals and mark an 'x' for the ones you. missed one or both of the goals. Looking back, you should have at least 80% consistency. If you are at least 80% consistent and patient (you wait at least 4-6 weeks), you will absolutely notice results if your plan is a good one.

Rinse and repeat. Tweak as necessary. Enjoy your newfound freedom and confidence from finally reaching those health + body goals. ;-)

Enjoy your week!

P.S. Do you need help with a customized plan so you know exactly what to be working on? Might you benefit from having accountability from a coach to help you stay on track and be consistent? That's what I do! I help clients (virtually) with health, nutrition, and fitness. It's an all-in-one program and is completely customized to your needs and your goals. I've had many new clients start with me since quarantine started because they tell me they are more conscious of their health and have no more excuses since they can workout at home and don't have the usual temptation of driving by the fast food places anymore. If you are ready to start feeling confident, fit, strong, and vibrant by summer, I'm ready to help! I've shifted things a bit and am opening up a handful of new 1-on-1 coaching opportunities for this month.

Learn more about the program here.

Then, schedule your (free) 15-minute consultation here.

Can't wait to speak with you and help you achieve those goals that you've had for so long!


Comfort eating / comfort sitting on the couch....

It's true that we need comfort right now. In fact, without some comfort in our days, our brain will takeover and seek it out even against your will. Maybe you've seen this in action already? You had every intention to skip the pantry surfing after dark and workout, but instead you skipped the workout and devoured everything in the pantry in what seemed like a semi-conscious state.

Sound familiar? It's something you may be used to doing long before quarantine started. But certainly now it's heightened. Of course... we are worried, bored, stuck at home, not sure what lies ahead, stressed - it's a recipe for comfort-seeking.

But seeking comfort isn't as simple as that. Often, the way we choose to seek out comfort actually leads us to DIScomfort in the future. So, to find true comfort, we need a balance of some in-the-moment strategies that work in the here and now but don't deter from our future selves. AND, we need to do some things that might bring us a little discomfort right now for the sake of future comfort.

Let me explain in this live video I recorded last week on facebook.

Is this something you're dealing with? If so, I have tons of resources that I'd love to share with you. Hit 'reply' to this email and let's chat.
If you'd like to see a quick video sharing more of how I help people (including before and afters - even my own before & after!), check this out.


Here's what happened on social:

Dumbbell shoulder workout

Easter morning

Slow cooker lentil chili

Suitcase upper body workout

Salsa dancing - The Left Turn

Bodyweight legs + glutes

The weight of the world

Breathing + COVID-19 

No jump HIIT workout

Quarantine Creativity


Now is as good a time as any to be mindful of getting in enough of the immune-boosting vitamins + minerals.

I'm excited to announce the launch of my Immune Support Meal Plan! I created this meal plan by focusing on balancing not just macros (protein, fats, and carbs), but also made sure that each day has plenty of zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E.

The plan happens to be gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian too. Oh, and I've worked leftovers in so you're not cooking 3 meals everyday.

You'll get 2 copies instantly - 1 regular one with all the mouth-watering pictures, and 1 text-only so you're not cursing me out as you run out of color ink. ;-)

What else do you get? The 7-day meal plan plus grocery list and all recipes.

So whether you're having trouble getting your hands on your usual immune-boosting supplements or just prefer to get the goods through tasty meals instead, this plan will have you covered.
