covid 19

Melatonin + Covid-19

What's the link between melatonin and Covid-19?

You may have noticed that in last week's newsletter, I shared a link to a video I did about nitric oxide during which I also discuss it's effect on Covid-19. You may have also noticed that by the time the newsletter landed in your inbox, my video was removed from YouTube. Censored. Taken down because of its holistic nature. And look, I (sort of) get it. People are spreading some crazy information and it's all they can try to do to stay on top of it. Unfortunately, that means some very HELPFUL information is being blocked as was the case with my video.

BUT .... the nitric oxide video lives on on Instagram, so here it is.

And my LATEST video is about melatonin, what the latest research says about it's connection to Covid, and 11 ways to naturally boost and optimize your own production of melatonin. All safe stuff, you guys. All about healthy lifestyle first and foremost. ;-) Here's the Instagram link to that video.

Please note: You likely have to have an instagram account in order to view these.

For the health of it,

P.S. Thanksgiving is TWO days away here in the U.S. If you're scrambling for ideas and could use some gluten + dairy free options ... many EASY choices ... my e-cookbook, Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts is available for purchase and is an INSTANT download. So you could go from not knowing what you want to make to drooling over your dessert decision in about 30 seconds. ;-)

Promising holistic prevention + treatment of covid 19 (and other viruses + diseases)

It's been nicknamed, "The Miracle Molecule" for a reason....

Well, many reasons, actually. The reasons are that it helps prevent diabetes, insulin resistance, mood disorders, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimers, and erectile dysfunction (yes, even in women -- that's really a thing).

And did I mention ... it's showing very promising results in clinical trials as an effective, low risk treatment option for Covid-19 (and other viruses like the flu).

The best news is that it's a molecule that our body already produces! Under the best conditions, we already have enough of it. But many people do not, and end up suffering the consequences.

IN THIS LIVE VIDEO I discussed 6 ways we can increase this miracle molecule (which is nitric oxide) through simple, healthy lifestyle upgrades. I know so many of us would LOVE to know there's something more we can do to be taking care of ourselves and our loved ones during this pandemic. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION with anyone you think could benefit from it.

In summary:

1) Eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein. L-arginine is an amino acid we can get more of through our food and is used to convert nitric oxide.

2) Eat more vegetables with nitrates: celery, spinach, arugula, beets, lettuce. These nitrates are healthy, (unlike the nitrates in processed meat like hot dogs and bacon) and provide the raw materials needed to make nitric oxide.

3) Exercise! When we move, we increase blood flow through our body. This blood flow improves the endothelial function (the cells that line the blood vessels) ... and that's important because these are the cells that make nitric oxide!

4) Eat / supplement with antioxidants such as Vitamin E, C, polyphenols, and glutathione. Nitric oxide is a pretty unstable molecule and these antioxidants help stabilize it more so it sticks around longer.

5) Consider ditching the mouthwash. Using mouthwash is associated with an increase in diabetes, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease. Why? Well just like commercials say, it kills 99.99% of bacteria. But just like the commercials DON'T say, that's not necessarily a good thing! Not all bacteria is bad and the ones that are 'good' have very important jobs in our body. Our mouths happen to house a very important bacteria that helps up produce nitric oxide. If you're killing that off with mouthwash, you're at quite the disadvantage. I can't tell you what to do, of course! Chat with your doctors, your dentist.... do your own research. But I am telling you that you may want to look into this.

6) Nasal breathing! Breathing in and out through your nose brings nitric oxide into your body. Breathing in and out through your mouth does not. Think about how you breathe during the day when you're awake and also at night while you sleep... are you a mouth-breather? What might you be able to do about that?

Hope these help! If you've read all the way here and are still more interested in your body composition goals, let me tell you this: nitric oxide helps with metabolism. An insufficiency causes insulin resistance and excess fat storage. So it's a win-win to consider the above strategies. If you want to see the video, here's the link again.