scale weight

You cannot control the scale. Here's the work-around. ;-)

You have no control over the number on the scale.

Let's just get that disappointing fact out of the way. You can do everything according to plan and wake up to a higher number. You can go off the rails and wake up to a lower number. There will always be fluctuations that are very much out of our control - water retention, sodium levels, hormones, bathroom habits... there are many outside factors!

So, when we focus on something that is not exactly in our control, we get frustrated. We try to control it more only to realize that no matter what, weight loss goals OR weight gain goals will never be a linear process. The frustration and feeling of being out of control messes with our head and ultimately leads to us throwing in the towel. Why strive for something we're not able to control anyway, right? Ugh! 

But there is a better way. ;-)

We DO have control over our consistency. We should be tracking our consistency with precision and laser-focus. Here's how it works: you have ONE nutrition and fitness goal for each day. They need to be things you can easily say you either did or did not do at the end of the day. Then, you track whether or not you did those things each day.

That's it! Not bad, right? Grab a journal, notebook, wall calendar, or use your phone. Simply circle the days you hit both goals and mark an 'x' for the ones you. missed one or both of the goals. Looking back, you should have at least 80% consistency. If you are at least 80% consistent and patient (you wait at least 4-6 weeks), you will absolutely notice results if your plan is a good one.

Rinse and repeat. Tweak as necessary. Enjoy your newfound freedom and confidence from finally reaching those health + body goals. ;-)

Enjoy your week!

P.S. Do you need help with a customized plan so you know exactly what to be working on? Might you benefit from having accountability from a coach to help you stay on track and be consistent? That's what I do! I help clients (virtually) with health, nutrition, and fitness. It's an all-in-one program and is completely customized to your needs and your goals. I've had many new clients start with me since quarantine started because they tell me they are more conscious of their health and have no more excuses since they can workout at home and don't have the usual temptation of driving by the fast food places anymore. If you are ready to start feeling confident, fit, strong, and vibrant by summer, I'm ready to help! I've shifted things a bit and am opening up a handful of new 1-on-1 coaching opportunities for this month.

Learn more about the program here.

Then, schedule your (free) 15-minute consultation here.

Can't wait to speak with you and help you achieve those goals that you've had for so long!


Why the scale won't budge: weight plateaus and fluctuations explained

Weight fluctuations and plateaus explained...

I'm writing this blog with a child home (unexpectedly) from school and a full plate of work and other mom / house stuff going on. Besides client work, admin. tasks, and content (like this!) to create and schedule, I will be interviewed for an article in a certain newspaper today and am being asked if a photographer can come over today for a quick photoshoot. Um....if you don't mind a sick kid in my arms?!? Not the look you're going for?

Kidding....we're trying to reschedule. However, I'm telling YOU this because I speak a lot about less-than-ideal conditions and how the show must go on. Whether it's running a business or maintaining the level of fitness, nutrition, sleep, and self care that you aspire to, things will always pop up that can compromise your plans. How can you work with what you've got? How can you do at least a portion of what it is you committed to? Maybe you move your body for 5 minutes instead of the 45 you planned on today.

In my case, I look through my task list and start moving non-essential things to other times whenever possible. I will do what's necessary and appreciate the fact that I can tend to my daughter that's feeling a bit under the weather today. (We're actually snuggling on the couch as I type this. Thank goodness for light + mobile laptops!).

Anywayyyyy..... weight fluctuations! They happen to us all - even if you do not weigh yourself and you're unaware. Our weight is never stagnant. Any weight or fat loss journey is never linear. There are plateaus, spikes up, drops, etc. The most important thing to look at is the trend over time.

Important to note: I'm not a fan of anyone weighing themselves if it will at all impact your emotions. In other words, if weighing yourself will be anything more than simply data, I don't believe the scale is the best tool for you to track your progress. 

However, if you have ever noticed plateaus and or increases in your scale weight while you believed you were 'doing everything right', then you must watch my latest Workshop Wednesday video! I get into the 8 most common reasons this occurs. This will allow you to figure out what's going on the next time you notice a plateau or spike. Not only that, but it will (hopefully) prevent you from throwing in the towel in frustration next time around.

If you are on a fat loss journey and have 15 minutes to watch - or even just listen - to this video, it will be worth your while.

As always, I'm open to topic ideas to address in future videos, blogs, social media posts, and newsletters. Just leave me a comment below if there's something in particular you want to see me cover.


P.S. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! As a reminder, my healthified holiday desserts e-cookbook, Smart Cookie, is still available for purchase for ONE MORE WEEK before it gets pulled until next year. If you have any parties to host or head to in the next week and would like to make a quality, real-food version of a holiday treat, this recipe book would be perfect for you! It contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free...and DELICIOUS...dessert recipes. Many are baked goods, but there are also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO BAKE options in case you want easy peasy.