Abstainers vs. Moderators

You know you WANT to change something.  You can practically feel / taste / smell the results and you've made 25 vision boards with your dreams plastered all over them.  Then why, oh why, do you end up feeling as though you've self-sabotaged?!

In this video, I get into one of the most basic and foundational questions you should be asking yourself before beginning any type of behavioral change.  I use chocolate in my example, because, well who can't relate to chocolate?!

Are YOU and abstainer or a moderator?  How will this help you moving forward in wherever you're at in your health journey?  Drop a comment or shoot me an email.  I'd love to hear more and send you some encouraging words!

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Ladies and gents, it's November 11th / Veterans' Day... and the end of an interesting week here in America.  Thanksgiving is 13 days away and the temperatures are starting to fall here in NY.  What I'm trying to say is, bring on the soup.  All . the . SOUP!

This Cream of Mushroom Soup is a gluten-free, dairy-free version of the Thanksgiving Day classic.  Not only is it a great side dish to bring or serve for those with special dietary needs, it comes packed with protein and fiber to help you fill you up on the good stuff.  Make extra - you can freeze some to enjoy for a quick dinner when you come home late from holiday shopping. ;-)

This recipe calls for the soup to be pureed into a smooth, creamy consistency, but feel free to keep it "chunky" if you and your guests prefer it that way.  For comfort and toddler purposes, I went with the puree option this time and it worked out well.  

Toddler tip: Magnolia (3 years old now), taste-tested this recipe and helped me "adjust" the spices to her liking.  She also watched me chop the onions and garlic and put her two cents in about when the soup was done blending.  I let her lick the spoon after mixing and once I got the final chef's stamp of approval, I served her the soup over green beans.  All of this involvement requires front-loading of time - more time getting the kiddos involved in the prepping and cooking process will save you time, money, and stress of untouched meals.



In health,


Cream Of Mushroom Soup to soothe the soul and enjoy this Thanksgiving! 

Cream Of Mushroom Soup to soothe the soul and enjoy this Thanksgiving!


Cream of Mushroom Soup


(Dairy-free, gluten-free)





5 cloves garlic, minced

½ medium onion, chopped

2 cups mushrooms, chopped

2 cups chickpeas, cooked

2 cups cashew milk

1 cup coconut flour

2 T coconut oil

1 tsp Thyme

½ tsp sea salt

½ tsp pepper




1.    In a large saucepan over medium heat, add oil, garlic, and onion.  Cook about 3-5 minutes (until onions become translucent).

2.    Add mushrooms and cook another 2-3 minutes.

3.    Add chickpeas, cashew milk, and coconut flour and bring to a boil.

4.    Reduce heat and let simmer for 10 minutes.

5.    Add thyme, salt, and pepper.

6.    Use immersion blender to puree (or transfer into regular blender in batches with towel firmly pressed over top of blender to prevent leakage).

7.    Enjoy as is or pour over cooked green beans or other veggies.


*This recipe is high in protein, high in fiber, and low glycemic.

Pumpkin Workout

It's November 3rd.  You have pumpkins still out on the stoop in a Halloween-hangover of sorts.  You could throw them out (why?!?!), cook with them, donate them...

…But first, you should get a KILLER workout in (or 2 or 3) before you and your Orange Balls of Autumn-ness part ways.

In this 2.5 minute video (come on now, guys - you do have 2.5 minutes, right?), I show you 3 simple exercises you can do RIGHT NOW to get that blood pumping and endorphins bathing your brain and body.  Don't confuse simple with easy.  Do three sets of these 3 exercises for a QUICK and POWERFUL jolt of energy (and health and toned muscles…blah, blah).  ;-)

Ready?  3….2….1….press play!

Hello, November…and ALL the apples

Is it just me, or does the start of a new month make you giddy too?  It's a clean slate for personal and professional goals and brings new seasonal activities and holidays to be excited about!  November is synonymous with celebration in my household - from my husband's birthday, to Thanksgiving, a season of gratitude and reflection, the start of Christmas music and decorations, and delicious, yummy-smelling, warming comfort foods!

Did you get to go apple picking this year?  Or maybe you'll be heading to a farm or farmer's market next weekend?  There's always a joy in picking the perfect apples and then a bit of confusion that sets in when you try to decide what to do with your robust harvest, right?

I have a solution...

Spiced Crockpot Apple Cider - Tara Allen Health

Spiced Crockpot Apple Cider - Tara Allen Health

Spiced Crockpot Apple Cider


  • 18 cups water
  • 12 medium apples
  • 2 oranges
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp cloves
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom
  • pinch black pepper


  1. Slice apples and oranges.
  2. Place all ingredients in crockpot.
  3. Cook on low for 7-8 hours.  Warning: You house will smell so amazing at this point that you're likely to cancel all plans and stay home. :-)
  4. Strain all contents through colander into a large bowl.
  5. Strain once again through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth into a large bowl.
  6. Your cider is waiting for you!

"But Tara, I don't want to waste all the fruit and spices!"

Yup…I hear ya.  Throw it into a pitcher with red wine (or seltzer for an alcohol-free option) for a festive Sangria.

You're welcome.

Do you want to make sure you don't miss more recipes like this? Join the newsletter!  It's a healthy / food-y / family-y / fitness party in your inbox.


Enjoy in health,


Bathroom Magic

Come on….come into the bathroom with me!  

Weird?  Sort of.  Helpful?  I hope so!  In this short video (read: SHORT - have I mentioned I need A LOT more storage on my phone?  I got 99 problems…and mobile storage is #1)...

…Anyway, in this short video I share 3 products I use daily that I swear by.  These are not affiliates of mine, I'm just a believer in their health benefits!  If you work with me, these may sound familiar to you already as I suggest only the best for my clients.  ;-)  Each of these items are under $10 or $15, last a while, and won't take more than 45 seconds (total) to implement.  

Have I piqued your curiosity?

Ahh, guys…I see my viewership numbers growing here and I'm so excited!  Please let me know what you'd like to see more of.  Leave comments below so I can say hello.  I'm a mama of an infant and toddler - you know that means I need more adult conversations in my day, right?

In health,


Spaghetti Squash Hack



These suckers are fun, delicious, versatile, did I mention fun?!  :-)  But, have you noticed none of your knives seem to be able to cut them open?  It used to take longer for me to cut open the vegetable than it did for my oven to preheat to 400 degrees!

Until now...

Try this: Score the spaghetti squash all the way around with your knife.  Then throw it in the microwave for 3.5 minutes.  (Carefully) remove and resume cutting.  It's not as seamless as getting through a banana, but you'll notice a big improvement.

Then, just place the two halves on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Some ideas for toppings:

  • tomato sauce and cheese
  • avocado, cilantro, and garlic
  • olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper
  • baked apples, cinnamon, and coconut oil for a sweet version
  • dill yogurt sauce with chopped cucumbers
  • pumpkin puree, cinnamon, nutmeg
  • hummus and sriracha for an uber-quick, creamy / spicy dish

Now that I saved you 10,561 hours of cutting time, what do YOU plan to make with the spaghetti squash?  Bonus points for creativity.  ;-)

Sleep-deprived and Staying Healthy

It's no secret that sleep has been a scarcity around here for….well, quite some time!  As a breastfeeding mama, I'm "on call" every night - and that usually ends up being at least 5 or 10 night-time wakings (and feedings).  :-O  Yup, that wasn't a typo.  

My daughter was the same way, so I'm sort of immune to how ridiculous this actually sounds.  It's a path I'm more than happy to continue on until things happen to change organically.  I'm not looking to sleep-train, cut him off from night feedings, ask my husband to give him a bottle in the middle of the night, or anything else really.  No judgement to anyone else - this is just our choice.  It's actually quite a sweet set-up - Jagger sleeps in our room and he has this adorable way of simultaneously kicking and punching me when he's ready to nurse.  I swear it's much cuter than it sounds!  There's usually no crying involved, just a gentle "Mom, I need you now please" type of nudge.  At 9 months in, we've definitely gotten into a groove.

Magnolia is now almost 3 years old and those early co-sleeping and breastfeeding days with her are just beautiful memories now.  I know all-too-well how quickly the weeks slip by, even as each night may seem to last forever.  

With our days totally filled with Magnolia's stories, songs, activities, and boisterousness, I'm a-okay letting the wee hours of the night be reserved for one-on-one time with Jagger.  The snuggles and sweet baby breath will be gone before I can say, "Sleep, child!".  ;-)

So where does that leave me with my health and productivity?  There's this whole work thing, house thing, wife thing….Well, I have my moments of dragging and clawing my way through each hour, for sure!  However, I do like to think that a few of my good habits are responsible for keeping me as healthy and energetic as possible during this extended period of barely-any-sleep (and REM?  Do I ever get into REM?!).  I am typically rather fast-moving (that type A curse), happy, and feeling good and strong.

I started to record this video, as usual, without Jagger at first.  But, my storage space ran out on my phone about 30 seconds in and after taking time to make more space on this device, Little Man was ready to join me.  Perfecto!  After all, the lack of sleep is just a liiiiiiiittle bit about him anyway.

'Til next time...

In health,


Halloween - The Gateway Holiday & 25 Alternatives to Giving Out Junky Candy


It's October now.  We've survived back-to-school and maybe even are feeling a little more on top of things with a return to schedules and routines.  Gone are the Summer s'mores and unlimited Sangria pitchers.  Now, we may not be perfect (and why should we be?), but let's not run the train off the tracks here with the upcoming holiday season.  I know everyone is aware of the ridiculous overeating that happens at Thanksgiving and the weekly holiday parties and Auntie Anne's mall pretzels that jump in our mouths while shopping in December.  But, can we stop for a minute to talk about the big secret here? HALLOWEEN is actually THE gateway holiday!  Halloween is the start of the chocolate overdoses, candy highs, and resulting sugar cravings that won't go away.  You buy 5 bags of candy to give out to the kids because you ate the previous 5 bags of candy that you bought to give out to the kids.  Before October 15th.  Because they were on sale. A few (handfuls) too many of these fun-sized treats leads to a not-so-fun-sized amount of bonus holiday pounds.  Then what?  Halloween's candy rolls right into Thanksgiving's pies which turn into Christmas' cookies before you can say "green smoothie".  Oh, hello New Years!  Now it's time to proclaim my resolution for a healthier me - the same one I've made the past 12 years in a row - over a few glasses of champagne.  Hmmm.


You can try some new options to hand out to trick or treaters this year.  Not only will your neighbors thank you, but when you or the little people grab 1 (or 5) of these snacks for yourself, your body (especially your waist and immune system) and the kiddos (sugar-high tantrums, anyone?) will be much better off.  Plus, what's cooler than being the healthy-ish mom on the block (says the health nerd)?

25 Alternatives to Junky Candy: Tricking and Treating your way to a healthier Halloween...

The items below follow just a few rules.  They are all:

  • Individually wrapped (tamper-proof)
  • Non-perishable
  • Healthier than typical candy
  • Can be purchased in bulk
  • Slightly more exciting than giving out pennies or boxes of raisins (though that IS another option).  
  1. Mini Larabars
  2. Dark chocolate
  3. Trail mix mini packs
  4. Single-serve popcorn
  5. Single-serve veggie chips
  6. Pretzels
  7. Organic candy (No artificial colors or flavors?  That's a win!)
  8. Freeze-dried fruit or veggie packets
  9. Pureed fruit/veggie pouches
  10. Apple chips
  11. Beef Jerky (Weird tip from the vegetarian, huh?)
  12. Dried fruit (apricots, mango, apples)
  13. Mini granola bars
  14. Coconut water single-serve boxes
  15. Various milk single-serve boxes (regular, dairy-free, etc.)
  16. Pumpkin seeds (how apropos)
  17. Bananas or apples
  18. Applesauce containers
  19. Freeze-dried yogurt bites
  20. Individual bags popcorn kernels (hold the nasty chemicals)
  21. Small packets nut butter / sun butter
  22. Gum (sugar and fake sugar-free; bonus points if it has xylitol for their teeth!)
  23. Coconut shreds
  24. Individual boxes of oats or cereal
  25. Hot chocolate mix pouches (look for dark chocolate and one with the least amount of ingredients)

***With the rise of food allergies, it's worth noting that many of the listed items contain common allergens (nuts, gluten, dairy).  These won't work for everyone.  I recommend keeping a separate container of things like stickers, temporary tattoos, and glow sticks around for the children that need to be super careful of what they eat.

Here's to a boo-ti-ful October!  ;-)

In health,


Immune-Boosting Latte

You guys, I have barely been able to get used to it being September already and now September is coming to an end this week?!?  What the what?!  Wow!  

Well, I'll tell you what….at least the time is flying with things happening behind the scenes.  ;-)  Hint hint; wink wink.  You've asked and I'm listening.

Fall is upon us and there's something about this season that truly energizes me - more than in an I'm-shivering-for-the-first-time-in-half-a-year kinda way.  I suppose you can liken it the calling of a deep clean that Spring thrusts upon us.  Maybe it's my mind's rebellion against the days getting shorter.  Or, maybe it's the bubbling of excitement over the holidays coming.  I like a good party - can you blame me?  These days the onslaught of holidays start with my daughter's birthday next month and will end with my son's birthday in January.  Who knows (and who cares) though, right?!  When I can reign in the flurry of ideas just a bit, I am super-productive in the Fall.  I'm just going with it. (Note: Super-productive IS a relative term with a toddler, baby, new house, clients, etc.)

So….Autumn is here.  Bugs will be buggin' off soon and germs will be multiplying in their place.  Did you know whether you get sick or not has a lot less to do with what you "catch" and a lot more to do with how strong your immune system is?  We're filthy beings…covered in germs all the time despite the best hygiene.  Working on your health from the inside out is a great place to begin to ward off many colds/viruses or at least kick them out a day or 2 earlier.

The idea for the immune-boosting latte came to me while I was making my morning cup o' joe one day.  I was headed to the gym and wanted a little energy before my workout, but not a full meal.  While adding coconut oil to my coffee for a little taste and energy, I couldn't help but think about how this would be a great time to consume some turmeric, as the coconut oil aids in its absorption.  So does black pepper.  Then I needed something else to help mask that flavor while bringing added health benefits: cinnamon!  I used a tad bit of honey to sweeten as an experiment because raw honey is excellent in helping to fight all kinds of microbes.  I added my cashew milk as usual.  Wouldn't ya know - blended all together it actually tasted GREAT!  Not only was the taste on point, but the texture was creamy with a little froth on top.  A fancy latte for a fraction of the price, a 20 foot commute to the kitchen, no refined sugar, no gluten, no dairy, no weirdness anywhere in the recipe, and a good deed done for my immune system (you're welcome). Yup!

Here you have it: IMMUNE-BOOSTING LATTE...

"Sugar and Spice" - Tinkerbell mug for this Immune-Boosting Latte.

"Sugar and Spice" - Tinkerbell mug for this Immune-Boosting Latte.


To a blender, add:

  • 1 cup of coffee
  • 1/4 cup non-dairy milk (I used cashew milk)
  • 1 T coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp - 1 T honey or sweetener of choice (depending on taste preference)
  • pinch of black pepper

Blend and enjoy the creamy, frothy goodness!

P.S. Use a Tinkerbell mug as pictured to complete the pleasurable experience.  ;-)

Pumpkin Protein Cookies

Have you ever just thought to yourself, 'Gee, I really need a cookie that's':

  • Gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and nut-free
  • High in protein
  • Has a low glycemic index
  • Lots of healthy fats / omega 3s
  • Is quick, easy, and has just a few ingredients
  • Is a serving of fruit AND veggies
  • Smells as delicious as it tastes
  • Can be prepared ahead of time for the whole week / whole family
  • Is tasty enough for dessert, but healthy enough for breakfast or lunch boxes


Yes?!?!  Well, today is your lucky day then!  Ok, I'm a bit of a nerd (you knew that, right?).  :-)  But, if this even piques your interest a little bit, check out my new recipe:


Pumpkin Protein Cookies


  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 1 large, ripe banana (mashed)
  • 2/3 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup flaxseeds, ground
  • 1 scoop protein powder (I suggest pure hemp or pea protein)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

Optional mix-ins: 1/4 cup crushed walnuts, raisins, pumpkin seeds, or any combination.


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Mix all ingredients together (add optional mix-ins last).
  3. Scoop cookie-sized amount of batter spaced-out onto greased baking sheet.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees F for 12 - 14 minutes - until edges are golden brown.
  5. Allow to cool and remove with a spatula.
  6. Gobble them up!
The cookies are cooling off and making the kitchen smell like Autumn!  

The cookies are cooling off and making the kitchen smell like Autumn!  

Would you like to learn about nutrition once and for all?  How to: lose weight, lose fat, clear the brain fog, increase energy and productivity, decrease fatigue, clear those pesky skin conditions, and just feel AMAZING in your body once and for all?  Check out my nutrition email course!  We go over all of this and more in a very compact (read: easy and not time-consuming) way.  Here's how it works… for 4 weeks, you will receive a weekly email from me with everything in one spot.  This includes:

  • The lesson for the week
  • Goals and action steps for the week
  • Recipes that relate to that week's content
  • Bonus resources that can be printed out to help further (meal prep guides, ingredients to avoid at the food store, etc.)

And…. you get email support from me throughout the 4 weeks together as well!  Need me to help you understand one of the lessons better?  I will do that!  Want me to make suggestions on tweaking a recipe to your needs/tastes?  Just ask!

P.S. No official homework!  Nothing to turn in - it's not that kinda class.  This is to educate you on the biggest asset you have for yourself, your family, and your livelihood - HEALTH!  You will get through the reading in just 20 minutes a week that can be done whenever it's convenient for you.  The recipes are yours to keep and play with whenever you are ready.  The information is priceless and will transform your life.  I know that's a bold statement, but it's the truth.  ;-)  Once you feel energetic and fabulous, think about how that changes your day-to-day!

Read what some former students said about the course...

Tara is a miracle worker! I’m not even done with the course yet and I find myself sleeping better and making healthier choices.
— A.N.
My migraines are gone. I didn’t take the course thinking that would be an area I see an improvement in. I will never go back to my old ways now.
— L.R.
I have a long ways to go, but I lost 7 pounds just by following Tara’s special formula for balancing meals and snacks. I’m never hungry with all this healthy food. It’s the first time in my life I am losing weight and not feeling deprived. No products or gimmicks.
— O.B.

These testimonials make what I do feel so, SO amazing!  Thanks for sharing, guys!

Are you ready for a transformation (or at least a leg-up on this whole nutrition/health thing)?  The investment is $47.  Check out this program and my one-on-one coaching programs under "Online Booking".

Have a wonderful day!

In health,


Hummus Among Us

Guys…guess what?  If you rethink your hummus strategy, your whole world opens up.  ;-)

If you buy (or make) a plain, classic-style hummus, use it as a base to mix in other condiments, herbs, spices, produce, "things".

Consider adding:

  • Avocado for a good mayo replacement
  • Tomato sauce for a creamy pasta topping or veggie dip
  • Sriracha or hot sauce if you like it spicy
  • Pumpkin or beets for a filling, sweeter, healthified dip or sandwich topper.  Or, try this on zoodles (zucchini noodles)
  • Herbs, spices, oil, vinegar, and/or lemon juice for a creamy salad dressing.  This also works well for cold pasta and potato salads and spiralized veggie-pasta dishes.

Make your hummus work for you!  It's a happy medium between eating more real/whole foods and not becoming overwhelmed with too much time or energy in the kitchen.  This tip saves your money too!  Buy your hummus (or chickpeas to make your own) in bulk and customize it for each person and meal afterwards.  No more buying 1,284 different kinds of hummus at the store and draining your wallet.

Need help in the kitchen with meal prep or learning HOW and WHY we should be eating a certain way for our individual bodies and health goals?  Let me know!  I work with my one-on-one clients to catapult you towards your healthiest version of yourself.  I aim to get you on your feet so you don't need me anymore!  I provide nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness assistance. I am your health buddy!  I am the front lines.  Let's see if we can save you time and money by increasing your energy, your vitality, your productivity, and boosting your immune system,  Let's decrease your reliance on meds, your grocery bill, your sick days, and your days missed LIVING because you have brain fog, pain, and fatigue.  

Email me!  We can chat about how I can help you.  Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Regular hummus mixed with pure tomato sauce and some herbs came together in about 45 seconds and became a delicious dip for our colorful veggies!

Regular hummus mixed with pure tomato sauce and some herbs came together in about 45 seconds and became a delicious dip for our colorful veggies!

This one is for the ladies...

Ladies, listen up!  Wanna hear something that is so true and also so unfair?  Our biology is sexist! We may have come very far in the year 2016, but our bodies still think we should be barefoot and pregnant from an early age.  Ugh!  Accordingly, we are super-sensitive to energy deficits (too low-calorie, too low-fat, too low-carb) and nutritional stressors.  The body sees this as a threat to reproductive success!

“Nope, no babies during a famine. Let’s make your hormones all funky, make you become resistant to weight loss, lower your metabolism, and make you fatigued”.
— Your body (if you've ever yo-yo dieted or taken in far too few calories for your needs.

Ok, so what does this mean for YOU?  It means you have to make small, incremental, sustainable changes.  It means you focus on the 'long game' just like your body does so it doesn't see the changes as a threat, but more like a new and comfy norm.  It probably means the results you see won't happen as quickly as you'd like, but it's the only way you can make a lasting change.  It also means your goals must creep into many different aspects of your life - nutrition, movement, stress management, relationships, self-confidence, feelings of fulfillment.  ALL areas of your life affect your relationship to your environment, your food, and the way you treat yourself.

So, that's why you can't just cut soda out and lose 10 pounds like your husband did.  (I actually get asked some version of that question just about every week).

Ladies - respect your biology, but please continue kicking butt and taking names in a very 2016-ish way.  <3


In health,


Healthified Eggplant Parm

When you're looking for some comfort food, but still care about putting awesome ingredients in the tank...

…enter, Healthified Eggplant Parm!

Why should dinner take an hour to make when the little people have about 2.25 minutes to devote to eating before they want to get up to play?!?  It shouldn't!  Keep it simple and fueling their little bodies (and yours).

Healthified Eggplant Parm


1. Grease baking sheet

2. Slice eggplant whichever way you'd like.

3. An egg, beaten, goes in one bowl

4. Ground flaxseeds with lots of herbs and spices mixed in a second bowl (basil, garlic, salt, pepper, italian seasoning, thyme…have fun with it!)

5. Eggplant slices go in the egg, then in the flax concoction, then onto the baking sheet. 

6. Broil 5 minutes on one side.

7. Flip and put tomato sauce and whatever cheese or cheese replacement you want on.

8. Broil 3-4 minutes on second side.

9. Done.  Serve, garnish, enjoy!

Healthified Eggplant Parm with sweet potatoes, tahini, extra veggies, and a tomato-kale-balsamic reduction chutney

Healthified Eggplant Parm with sweet potatoes, tahini, extra veggies, and a tomato-kale-balsamic reduction chutney

Banana Sushi Shenanigans

Do you ever plan to make something really elaborate to bring to a party only to realize you have 5 minutes left to pull something together?  Please tell me it's not just me!

This weekend I was busy working hard and momming harder until nearly the time we had to leave.  That's ok!  This is where creativity shows up at just the right time.  I saw my banana hammock and knew I wanted to make something that looked and tasted fancier than it really was.  ;-)  Enter… Banana Sushi! 

P.S.  It truly took only 5 minutes to make.  Then I dropped it everywhere.  Batch #2 took another 5 minutes.  So if you're clumsy like me, allot 5 minutes (batch 1) + 5 minutes (batch 2) + 3 minutes (clean-up) = 13 minutes…still totally doable, right?! 

Side note:  This "chocolate" works for just about any chocolate-y recipe you want.  Feel free to add peanut butter too if you're feeling extra indulgent.  Just please, please, please - for the love of nut butter - make sure your peanut butter has nothing but peanuts listed in the ingredients.  Sugar, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup have NO business being in YOUR peanut butter.  



Banana Sushi




Cacao powder

Coconut oil


Hemp seeds


*Note: no measurements are listed because I just played around with the ingredients until I got the consistency and taste I wanted.   For me, I didn't want it to be too sweet, so I didn't use too much honey.  




1. Cut banana in 1/4 inch slices.

2. In one bowl, mix coconut oil, cacao powder, and honey in a bowl.

3. Pour hemp seeds in a seperate bowl.

4. Dip bananas in chocolate mix until coated and then spoon hemp seeds on half of them.

5. Place coated bananas on wax paper.

6. Freeze for at least an hour before devouring.  ;-)

Banana Sushi waiting for their dip in the freezer

Banana Sushi waiting for their dip in the freezer

Should Women Lift Heavy?

I take a quick dive into this juicy topic in today's video.  Watch up!

Do you know any ladies that want to workout but are afraid of 'bulking up'?  Do you have anyone in your life that you believe would benefit from health talks, healthy recipes, family wellness info, etc.?  Send them this way!  

Do you want the bonus content that I send to my most fabulous and loyal peeps? Be sure to join my email list.  Sign up is over on the home page.  It's free and guess what?  You get a pretty "cool" smoothie formula PDF just for signing up to hang with me.  :-)

Will lifting heavy result in big, bulky, "masculine" muscles? Or, is it most effective for toning up and boosting metabolism? Watch the video to learn more.

Health and Nutrition Discovery Course

Guys, guys, guys (and gals, gals, gals)...

Isn't it about time you found a place to learn about nutrition?  Someone to break it down in a quick and easy format so you can learn WHAT to eat, WHEN, and most importantly, WHY food affects you the way it does?

Enter: my email course!  I've written a 4-week long course that gets delivered straight to your inbox weekly with that week's lesson, goals, actions steps, some healthy recipes, and bonus resources to make your transformation that much easier (hint: meal prep and shopping guides).

I first launched my course this past May to some very satisfied clients (weight loss, migraines gone, one brave client was able to drop her anxiety meds after she reported feeling "more steady" on the new way of eating, etc.)  Since then, I'm happy to report I've had continuous enrollment and just as much enthusiasm with each relaunch.  

So, what are YOU waiting for?  Is $47 a good investment for…your health, your body, your mind, your energy, your productivity, your moods, your family's well-being?  Of course it is!  Think about all you'll save on: future doctors and meds, perhaps?  "Convenience foods", books, and products for various ailments or weight loss? All the HSN or Amazon shopping you do in the middle of the night (did I mention we discuss tips and tricks to improve sleep)?

Glute Bridges

Are you looking to strengthen your pelvic floor and core?  Have you had diastasis recti (that painless separation of abdominal muscles causing a belly bulge) from previous pregnancies?  Or, do you have some lower back pain that you're looking to rehab?

The Glute Bridge is a perfect, gentle-yet-effective exercise you can do in the comfort of your home with no equipment.  Watch me demonstrate it next to a very awake, Jagger-dude.  

As you lift your leg high into the air, concentrate on rolling your vertebrae off the floor one at a time as well as returning contact with the floor one vertebrae at a time.

If you find this helpful, please share with your friends and family!  And, if you'd like more of these videos, drop a comment or an email and tell me what you'd like to see more of.  I'm here to help you.  Yup - YOU!  ;-)

A Delicious Alternative to the Summer Burger...

Sweet Bean Veggie Burgers

(Vegan, gluten-free, soy-free)


The burgers are all ready to go in the oven…mmm!

The burgers are all ready to go in the oven…mmm!




·      2 large sweet potatoes, baked and peeled

·      1 cup black beans, cooked and mashed

·      1 ½ cups quinoa

·      1/2 cup onions, chopped

·      ½ cup spinach, chopped and slightly wilted on stovetop

·      1/3 cup ground flaxseed

·      2 cloves garlic, minced

·      1 t turmeric

·      1 t paprika

·      salt and pepper to taste






1)  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2)  Combine all ingredients in large mixing bowl with fork.

3)  Grab handful of mix and pack tightly into a ball.  Each should be roughly the size of your palm for even baking and serving size.

4)  Place ‘burgers’ onto a greased baking sheet or parchment paper, a few inches apart.  Flatten to make a patty.

5)   Bake 35-40 minutes, flipping the burgers halfway.

6)  Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing with spatula.

7)  Add your favorite toppings!  For me, that means avocado, sliced onion, and sliced tomatoes. 

8)  Enjoy! 

Crockpot Summer Soup

(picture to come)

If you're anything like me, the Fall and Winter is synonymous with crockpot cooking!  Then, it sits on the shelf collecting dust from April until September.  Not so fast!  Today I want to share a summer-friendly recipe you can throw together in the morning, head off to work (or the beach), and come home to in the evening without having to turn your oven on in this hot and humid weather.  Not a bad idea, right?

This recipe is healthy, vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and made with seasonal ingredients to take advantage of the best prices and fresh produce.  It's a hot-to-cold soup; otherwise known as gazpacho if you want to sound fancy.  ;-)


Crockpot Summer Soup (served cold)


  • 2 cups cucumber
  • 2 cups tomatoes, any kind
  • 2 cups sweet bell peppers, any color
  • 1/2 cup onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 avocado
  • water
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place all ingredients except water and avocado in your crockpot. 
  2. Add water until all vegetables are covered, plus an extra 1/2 inch.
  3. Set crockpot on a low setting for 6 hours.
  4. Add avocado and use immersion blender (or transfer all ingredients into the blender in batches). 
  5. Blend until smooth.  Add more water if needed for texture.
  6. This can be served warm as is, or placed in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and served as a summer soup / gazpacho.

Want to make this social-media-picture-friendly?  Top with fresh herbs, sliced avocado, and a drizzle of olive oil.  That'll do it!

Show me your finished products!  Tag me at TaraAllenHealth on Facebook or @Tara_Allen_Health on Instagram.  Drop me a comment and let me know what you thought of this one.  

Finding Your "Other" Calling - featuring Ashley Gartland

Today we have guest blogger / mompreneur / writer / health enthusiast, Ashley Gartland, on how she came to find her 'other' calling and how she now coaches other women through this very process as well.


When we become a mom, we spend a lot of time talking with other moms about our birth stories and recovery. About the challenges of breastfeeding and our changing bodies and so many other things related to our postpartum health. But we don’t always talk about the hard things like when we discover that we love being a mom but that we also need to find fulfillment for ourselves beyond motherhood.


We don’t talk about this very real part of motherhood because we think if we admit that we want to be more than a mom, people will judge us. We’re afraid people will think we’re ungrateful. And we worry that sharing this secret would make the hardworking moms who love staying home with their kids feel criticized, which is the last thing we’d want to do.


And yet if you want to find your purpose beyond motherhood, you need to know it does not diminish your worth as a mother. It does not make you a bad mom or a judgmental mom to desire something more for yourself. It makes you a real mom because I can tell you that there are plenty of other women who are searching for ways to be present mothers and find their “other” calling too.


I support many of these women in the work I do as a life coach. My clients adore their kids and they love being moms. But they also believe they were meant for something more. They crave opportunities to be creative and intellectually stimulated. They want to create an even better life for themselves and their families. They’re ready to make a difference in the world. And they want to show their kid(s) what’s possible when they go after their dreams.


Just a few years ago, I was a new mom who was searching for her purpose and ashamed to talk about it. I had just become a mother and was feeling pretty lost professionally. So in a slightly delusion, sleep-deprived move, I decided I wanted to use my maternity leave to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.


I’m what you could call an information-hoarder so I gathered books with titles like Finding Your North Star and Mom, Inc. Then whenever I was feeding my daughter or was resting with her on the couch, I dove into those books looking for answers.


But I’d only given myself a month-long maternity leave and it just wasn’t enough time to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. So at the end of it, I went back to doing what I’d done before working as a writer and cookbook author. I continued doing that for three more years.


I won’t say I was miserable during that time – I certainly had a lot to be grateful for. But the reality was that life was good, not great. I was still searching for my other calling and I knew I needed to find it to find myself again.


That’s when I found myself back in the same place, sitting on the couch with another baby girl. So again I asked myself, could there be something more for me?


I did consider the idea that maybe motherhood was my calling. The answer was both yes and no. I loved my kids and I loved being their mom. But I also knew I wanted something more for myself – even in the moments when I felt guilty for feeling that way.


I also knew I was done waiting to pursue my “other” calling and I believed my daughters would benefit from watching me go after my dreams. So I started exploring possible callings. I did a lot of reading and research. I talked with people in different career fields. And I hired a coach to give me the outside perspective and support I needed.


It was challenging to put all the pieces of the puzzle together but I did eventually discover what I wanted to do. And perhaps somewhat ironically, my purpose is working as a coach helping moms find fulfillment beyond motherhood. My struggle became my story and my strength.


The path to get here wasn’t easy. But it was so worthwhile because I can now confidently say I’ve created a life that allows me to fulfill my calling as a mom and step into my calling outside of motherhood too.


If you too are searching for your other purpose, I want you to know that it is possible to find it for yourself. Yes, you will have to put in hard work. Yes, you’ll need to learn how to prioritize yourself and get better at asking for help. And yes, you will have to set aside the time to make your dreams happen for yourself.


But if you feel called to do something more, however crazy that seems, I hope you will. Because the hard work and effort you put in will be so, so worth it. I can promise you that.




Ashley Gartland is a life coach for moms who want to find their purpose beyond motherhood. Through her intimate group coaching program, Bold Mom, Balanced Life, and one-on-one work with clients, Ashley helps moms prioritize themselves, pursue their dreams and create balanced lives so they can be great moms and women making their impact in the world too. You can connect with her at www.ashleymgartland.com, follow her on Instagram or join Your Bold, Balanced Life, her Facebook community for moms who are finding and pursuing their other calling in life.


Want more of Ashley? Join her upcoming It Starts with Self Care Challenge beginning this Sunday, July 17th!  She will be guiding you through this FREE challenge in taking time out for yourself to allow your peace and positive energy to pour over into every aspect of your life.

Learn more and register here: www.bitly.com/itstartswithselfcare