healthy moms

Self Care or Self Indulgence?

We need to put our oxygen mask on first (like on a plane). I know I know but ...

How come it often feels self indulgent (not in a good way) to take care of ourselves?

I just started reading a new parenting book in my ongoing quest to feel like I have even a little bit of a clue about how to perform the most important role I have in this life. :-P I had a lightbulb moment in the introduction when the author was talking about the importance of self care as a parent.

She said, "Imagine this: You're rafting down a river with your family, when a section of whitewater rapids throws you into the water. There's no time for panic -- you've got to hustle. Your kids need you in the boat; besides, it's cold and dangerous in the water! The sooner you get back onto the raft, the better. You reach out your hand so the rafting guide can pull you back on board. Or do you? As parents, when something throws us off balance, we have a strange tendency to resist help that gets us back on track. It's as if we're so concerned about our kids staying on the boat that we don't take the hand that's offered to us. Instead we stay in the river, barely treading water behind the raft, which will do nothing to help our kids dodge the next set of rapids downstream."

Brilliant description, isn't it? We're so concerned that THEY (kids, partner, whoever) have enough to eat, but then think nothing of skipping meals earlier in the day and wonder why we're so cranky and ravenous at night. We think doing our best means doing the most and vow to "start over next week" with the goals we have for ourselves. We spend money like water on things we decide will make their lives easier / better, but feel guilty investing in something that will make us an entirely better person with confidence, health, and energy. Or heck, even the free stuff (walks, morning sun, exercise, cooking food we already have) gets moved to the back-burner (pun intended) because if it isn't "I don't have the money" then it becomes "I don't have the time".

We're really good at keeping the kids on the raft but somehow seem to think that we don't need to be on the raft alongside them.

Problem is, if we raise our children this way they will become adults who one day think they don't have the right to allow the guide to help them back onto the raft alongside their loved ones. Our JOB as caregivers -- if you are a caregiver -- is to coach them through being a kid but also being an adult as that's where they will be spending most of their years.

It's not self-indulgent to give yourself the same care + attention you would like to see your children (or any loved ones) give to themselves one day.

Suggestion. Pick ONE thing off the list below and schedule it into your week THIS week. Pick whatever stands out and think of this email as your sign to make it happen.

  • Schedule that doctor appointment, lab work, chiropractor consult

  • Set aside a little time to get in a workout. Maybe it's strength. Maybe it's some zone 2 cardio. Maybe it's been awhile since you've done any kind of HIIT. Whatcha need most? Do it.

  • Has sleep gotten away from you? It's easy (but oh so hard) to burn the candle at both ends in the Summer when days are longer. Set a bedtime and wake time and make sure the math works out for you to get enough zzzzs this week.

  • Take 5 minutes to stand outside in the sun, bare feet on the Earth for a quick recharge.

  • If you're feeling hopeless about some kind of goal you have, set aside some time to learn more about it and plan a small action step. Financials overwhelming? Book an appt. with a financial advisor. Parenting feeling extra hard? You might like the new book I just started -- The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids by Elaine Taylor-Klaus. Fat loss or health goals feeling impossible? Head over to my instagram page for some more free resources or hop on the waitlist for the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind (less than 6 days left to get on the waitlist!). Or, find out more about 1:1 coaching here. In each option, I gotcha covered in the fat loss / body / health departments. ;-)

  • Mind feeling chaotic? My favorite 1-2 punch for that is 1) declutter something (even just a drawer helps) and 2) spend 10 minutes on a hobby or planning something. Chaos can be from a cluttered environment or even feeling there's so much of life's hard stuff present in your life without enough of life's fun. Adding in that fun (hobbies, social plans, plan a trip, date night).

  • No idea which to pick? Just do a few rounds of 4-7-8 breathing right now. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7 and exhale for a count of 8. Repeat a few times. It's a calm-inducing breath pattern and excellent for reducing stress, anxiety, and helping with sleep.

  • In a rut? Shake something up! Cook a new meal this week. Or just serve lunch or snack to your kids in a muffin tray for funsies. Drink your seltzer out of a champagne glass. Keep the TV off tonight and the phone down -- find something else to do. Google a few jokes and text them to your besties. Start an unprovoked water balloon fight with your kids, partner or friend (I suggest making sure they're ok getting wet first ... unless you're more adventurous than me. Haha!)

September is around the corner. New month and new season (soon). Perfect chance to re-commit to taking action on the things that you KNOW will improve your life ... and spill out and onto the lives of your loved ones. Wrapping up the year feeling better and entering 2024 with newfound momentum just hits different.


Parasympathetic-y things

I recently had some bloodwork done.

And if you hang out with me up in Instagram stories, you know I've been sharing my results with you little-by-little. A few of the results that are considered "normal" stood out to me. Unfortunately the references ranges aren't always complete enough to lead us towards optimal health. So while overall I was very happy with my lab results (and told by the doctor that everything was great), in typical Tara fashion, I'm putting together a plan with the goal to optimize even more.

You'll have to keep watching stories for more results but in general, a few things put together paint a picture that my stress hormones seem to be dysregulated and my nervous system could use a little TLC. This is something I'm pretty familiar with. I was once told by my naturopath that my cortisol levels were higher than she's ever seen in ANYone. Yikes. I was able to get that down but with a whole lotta effort. I don't know my cortisol levels yet -- blood tests are almost worthless for cortisol so I didn't request it from my GP and decided instead to pay out of pocket for another DUTCH test soon. But I'm not planning on waiting to make changes.

My default personality is Type A. I consider myself a recovering people pleaser. I wake up ready to take the day and have tons of energy until it's time to crash at night. I enjoy planning for the future and find myself worrying too much. Basically, I am naturally a high energy kinda person. This means that if I'm not super intentional, I'll slip back there and be in need of a little nervous system re-balancing. It's been particularly stressful for some time now -- much of which I don't share as it's not always my story to share. And while the things I need to be implementing are often so amazing (fun / relaxing), I actually find it hard to make sure I keep them in. I'm making a list (of course I am) -- a parasympathetic-y menu of options if you will and I figured I'd share with you in case you find it helpful. I am not going to do all of the following and this isn't a To Do list where everything needs to get checked off. That would be counter-productive here! Rather, I will be spending at least 10 minutes a day to focus on relaxing my nervous system and when I'm not sure what to do, I'll pick from this list.

Important to note: if you make your own list it will likely have different things on it as we won't think the same things are interesting / relaxing.

Parasympathetic Menu of Ideas

  • bath and a book

  • mess with the guitar

  • listen to music / sing / hum

  • yoga / stretch

  • massage or self massage

  • sauna

  • calming breathwork

  • meditation / guided meditation (calm app)

  • read out in the sun

  • ashwagandha, L-theanine if / when needed

  • write poetry

  • draw or paint

  • nature walk

  • lay on acupressure mat

  • few extra minutes of sleep

  • grounding

  • change into comfy clothes

  • slide fingertips over my lips (they have special parasympathetic fibers)

  • visualization (typically do this nightly before falling asleep)

  • less caffeine (already started this a few days ago)

  • keep overnight fasts to 12 -14 hours (not more) most days

  • cold exposure (temporarily sympathetic but overall favors mostly parasympathetic)

  • enough rest days / active recovery days (took 2 of these over the weekend!)

  • be mindful that carb intake isn't too low (or too high -- both can increase stress response)

  • make plans with friends

It's all connected! Nervous system regulation will show up in various ways in our lab work, mental state, health and / or body goals. There's a reason we spend a whole week on stress, sleep, hormones, and longevity practices in TRANSFORM: Body + Mind! It really cannot be ignored if we care about our outcomes. And if we have a good understanding of our body and metabolism we pick up on when things need to be tweaked ... and we tweak! 

Do you need to include more time out of "fight or flight" (sympathetic) and in "rest and digest" (parasympathetic)? Maybe you can make your own version of this parasympathetic menu of options and pull from it daily alongside me. :-) If you do, I'd love to hear about it!


Alcohol ... friend or foe?

What is "heavy drinking" to you? Do you have boundaries around alcohol?

Maybe you don't drink at all. Or maybe you drink a maximum amount of drinks per week / month. Or mayyyybe you never considered setting boundaries around alcohol (yet).

I shared THIS REEL on Instagram last week about what I consider "heavy drinking" for myself and so many reasons it can be messing up our health and body goals. Psst ... none of the reasons was "calories" because there are so many bigger things happening that deserve our attention.

The most current research might make you wanna avoid alcohol entirely or at least consider indulging a lot less often + with less drinks per sesh.

That being said, what if you want to still drink occasionally? Anything to do that can help?

Kinda no — your body still has to process and remove the poison itself over time, and kinda yes — you can support your body so it’s in a slightly better position to do so.

Consider these:

1️⃣Eat protein, fat, and fiber-rich meals. Keep your blood sugar as steady as possible. Avoid alcohol and sugar or processed carbs at the same time. I know, right?? But just sharing the info.

2️⃣Discuss with a trusted healthcare provider whether or not NAC, milk thistle, and / or dandelion root tea would be good for you. And avoid Tylenol!! These are liver + methylation things.

3️⃣Sleep! If you will be short on sleep the night of the ‘event’, make it your job to sleep well the night before and the night after.

4️⃣Hydration + electrolytes

5️⃣Try to avoid additional toxins in that drink to avoid an even bigger blow. Choose organic wine or liquor + water or club soda + low sugar mix-ins like lemon, lime, mint, cinnamon sticks.

6️⃣Expect all the signs + symptoms of blood sugar imbalance for at least 24 hours or so: hunger + fullness cues off, cravings up, energy dips.

7️⃣Exercise, walk, dance, sauna or hot bath, dry brush … think about supporting healthy lymphatic circulation.

Some things I do in case it helps you:

🍷 Drink of choice: gin + club soda + muddled lemon. When the bartenders don’t wanna muddle a lemon for me 😆, I just get A BUNCH of lemons.

🍷I am ok not finishing a drink. I can order one and drink half. It’s a waste whether I make my body deal with it or leave it, so no guilt.

🍷I’m a 1 drink MAX person these days. Smart? Boring? Probably both. If I DO want a drink that night, I’ll decide if it’s 1 with dinner or 1 at the concert or whatever, but not both.

🍷I am perfectly fine being the only one not drinking. It’s an intentional choice and one I make often.

🍷I want a really FULL + FUN life. I also wanna feel great. This means drinking at every social event isn’t a good idea for me.

I figured now might be a fun time to share a couple of mocktail recipes with ya. Hope you enjoyyyy!


P.S. We dive much deeper into alcohol and all things indulgences in TRANSFORM: Body + Mind so you can make informed choices regardless and not feel as though the social or fun times are derailing your progress at all. The next round starts in March. Are you on the waitlist yet??

Meal prepping tips + tricks

Meal prepping tips + tricks

Whether you're a block-off-every-Sunday-for-kitchen-time kinda person or of the can't-stand-meal-prepping-because-who-even-knows-what-you're-gonna-want-to-eat-tomorrow-night-nevermind-Thursday variety, I'm hoping some of these tips / tricks will help you make the whole feeding yourself and your family process go more smoothly.

Even though we talk about being able to eat out or order through Door Dash sometimes, the key to success in any health goal is that most of the food you eat is prepared by you or someone who loves you and knows how to balance meals for us to thrive. Batching your time in the kitchen can be a great way to actually spend less time cooking.

1) How's your storage container situation? Grab some more - preferably glass - if you'll need them. 

2) Plan to plan. Yeah, it's kinda like making a list of lists but it works. Pick a day and time each week that you'll write out your plan. It's a good habit to get into planning out your meals for the week, scheduling when you'll go grocery shopping or place an online order, and setting aside a couple of hours to pre-cook or chop whatever you can when possible. But first you need to actually sit down and do that. So, plan THAT!

3) Pair the kitchen time with something enjoyable. Save your fav. podcast for cooking time, cook with your family or a friend, or ask Alexa to turn up the 90s alternative or rap or pop or jazz ... whatever makes the time pass for you with a smile on your face. I know it's not always a Hallmark movie moment when you cook with your family, but you're building their skills and one day they will cook for you and you can sit on your butt. Maybe. Let's just pretend. :-P

4) Think about utilizing multiple appliances at once to be most efficient. Example: Protein muffins in the oven, soup on the stovetop, chicken or chili in your instant pot / slow cooker, and raw veggies and fruit to chop on the countertop.

5) When it makes sense, keep different meal components separate until serving. This allows you to mix n' match. Example: roasted veggies can be served with protein and rice for dinner one night, on a big salad for lunch the next day, and then inside an omelette for breakfast another day.

6) If it's a tried and true recipe (the whole fam loves it!), never make just 1 batch. Make 3 or 4 batches so you have leftovers PLUS extra to freeze for quick meals over the next couple of weeks.

7) Every little bit helps. As with everything, the all-or-nothing mentality does us no favors. So what, you don't have 2-3 hours to prep today? (Pshhhh! Who does???) Can you spend 10 minutes chopping up
some carrots to take with hummus for your afternoon snacks? Do it!

8) Wash / soak your produce in a mix of 90% water, 10% vinegar ... or a water + salt mix. Just doing that step will save you time while cooking during the week. Just save more mold-prone items (like berries) to be washed closer to consumption.

9) While you have the salt handy, soak apple slices in water + salt to keep from browning in your lunches or your kids' lunchboxes.

If you need a couple of recipes to prep this weekend, try these:

Protein-packed deviled eggs

Mushroom + Edamame Stir Fry

And if you are looking into meal delivery options, just know I'm constantly looking for ones that are PFF + intentional carb friendly but have yet to find any. Maybe you and I can partner up and make that happen?? Haha. But seriously ... there are a bunch of options that seem to use high quality ingredients (yay), but I haven't found ANY yet that are balanced in a way that'll make us feel amazing and crush our health, body, and longevity goals. HOWEVER, there are some ways around it. Example: I checked out a meal for a client this week from a company called Redefine. It was Take Out Chicken and Broccoli. If she removes half the rice (save for the next day) and adds a drizzle of olive oil or a few slices of avocado, it would be a great PFF + intentional carb meal. 

If you're super overwhelmed with where to even start with balancing meals, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind would be perfect for you. The next round starts in March and waitlist people will be getting a discount code.

Happy Tuesday,

2023 Ripple Habits

2023 Ripple Habits ... here we come!

Last week in The After Party (the sequel to TRANSFORM: Body + Mind), we had Kathryn Lattimer as a guest speaker talking about Non-Toxic Living. You might know her as Earth Minded Mama. Anyway, she mentioned something towards the beginning of the workout that gave me pause. Each swap we make for better quality / less toxic products we use on or around us is like a stone thrown in a lake. The first ripple is small, but then it gets bigger and bigger as time goes on. How true ... and genius!

It got me thinking, while everyone seems to be vowing to revamp everything about their nutrition, fitness, and identity right now b/c it's a new year (and WHY do we start a new year a few weeks into winter, anyway? Isn't that bizarre?), you might want to focus on smaller, more manageable habits that each start with a small ripple but gain momentum over time.

If you're having trouble sticking to big resolutions, just know mid-winter isn't really when most people feel ready for big change. This season tends to be more of a reflective time with spring bringing about more of that energy needed for bigger change. So you're not lazy ... you're just really in tune with the seasons. ;-)

Here are some 2023 'ripple habits' for you to consider. Pick 1 or 2 at a time so as to not overwhelm you:

  1. Commit to at least 5 minutes of morning sun each day. Sure, longer is great but before we can dial up a habit we need to make it a habit first. Morning sun influences mood, energy, sleep quality later that night, stress levels, metabolism, immunity, and more. Kind of a big deal.

  2. Coffee happens after you've been awake for 90 minutes, with or after breakfast. Check of at least one of those boxes but if you can check off both, great. This helps keep your circadian rhythm in check and your adrenals will thank you.

  3. Make movement a priority. No more "go big or go home" vibes. Have a little cold? No energy? You can still get out for a walk or do some dancing or stretching at home.

  4. Consider adding minerals to your hydration plan. Water is great, but it's even better when we can get it into our cells more effectively. No affiliation, but I love LMNT and Relyte brand. You could also save money and add a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon into your water. It's not quite as complete, but it's something.

  5. Identify patterns that aren't serving you and mix it up. Journal about it. Do you keep fighting with your kids during homework time b/c they're bored and you've had it? Try mixing it up ... do homework with them in a different room or in a fort. Do you keep binging at nighttime and you feel cr*ppy afterwards? What needs to be in place to help you prevent this next time? If you're currently in this round of TRANSFORM, we will be diving deep into this. But if you aren't, make sure you're well-fueled during meal times and not riding the blood sugar rollercoaster all day. Then when you want to binge, understand you're looking for something. What is that something? A break? A few minutes to yourself? Joy that you aren't giving yourself enough of throughout the rest of your day? Shake things up.

  6. Create a food acquisition system. Meaning, have a plan. Your plan could mean you meal plan every Saturday and grocery shop every Sunday and spend 30 minutes in the kitchen prepping 1 protein source for the week. It could mean you go with a food delivery service you've been meaning to set up to save some time. It could mean you find 5 take out meals that are pretty nicely balanced so you can rely on them in a pinch. Maybe you get Thrive Market deliveries once a month, Misfits or a CSA for produce weekly, and you hit Costco biweekly for the rest. All that matters is ... do you have a system? Is it working for you?

  7. Get 7-8 hour sleep opportunities nearly every night. "Sleep opportunities" b/c you can't always control when you fall asleep or get woken up. But you do know you'll never get enough if you're not even in bed for long enough. If you're a monkey brain person like me, a pen-and-paper brain dump can be so helpful. Get all the thoughts, follow ups, To Dos down in writing so there's less swirling around up there. Oh, and your blue blockers are cool and all but are you turning off your overhead lights around or just after sunset? If not, don't be surprised if you have trouble sleeping. Melatonin production won't be sufficient with house lights on in the few hours before bed or if they're turned on at all in the middle of the night ... like during a bathroom trip.

Little ripples, big momentum!


Your health journey starts right here

Mid-December isn't really when most people start a new routine.

But it IS when many people notice their current routine isn't working well for them. Stress seems amplified above what you'd like to be able to tolerate and physical health can get pushed way down on the list as shopping, wrapping, sending cards, decorating, traditions, hosting, finishing work projects, and moving elves or baking crowds out everything else.

If that's you, start here:

1) Eat PFF at mealtimes, Protein, fat, fiber. Some meals have some intentional carbs, some might not. That's ok. But all (or almost all, anyway) should have PFF. This will help to nourish you well and keep you going longer.

2) Consider tweaking your fitness plan. No time for strength training? Can you cut back on the cardio to make some room? Can you keep the momentum by doing 5-10 minute workouts so you don't feel "off the wagon" totally?

3) Sleep like a boss. And when you don't, make it because you're making memories or laughing your a*s off with people you adore and not dusting baseboards or something.

4) Manage your stress. Did you know that just 2 minutes of purposeful breathing in the morning and again at night can have significant effects on your stress tolerance? Try this: breathe in and out through your nose in this pattern -- 4 seconds in, 7 second hold, 8 seconds out. Repeat for a a few cycles in the AM + PM.

5) Love on your gut. Our gut microbiome affects our metabolism, moods, sleep, etc. It's kind of a big deal. Consider including more fiber in your day, eating fermented foods (like sauerkraut, kimchi, or yogurt), and aim for less alcohol and / or sugar this holiday season than last. Make it a game you play with yourself; a challenge. 

If you found these tips helpful, but want more help in the new year, make sure you're on the waitlist for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. The cart opens on January 4th and we officially begin on January 16. Details about the course and waitlist sign up right here.


P.S. If you need a new leg day workout, check out this one.

How much protein do you really need?

Protein is a controversial subject.

If you've ever watched some of those documentaries scaring people away from eating meat, you might be thinking that animal protein -- or protein in general -- should be avoided. There are rumors that protein is damaging to our kidneys, yet the research supports a higher protein intake to support things like better muscle gain and maintenance, immune function, faster healing times, and better blood sugar management.

As with all things in science, there is always more research to be done and we certainly get to tweak things as we find out more. For good and for bad because of the rigors of clinical practice, it takes an average of 17 years for medical and governmental advice to match the quality research.

In other words, our doctors are still mostly telling us to follow the FDA guidelines for protein intake which is set to have us survive, but not thrive.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient (keeps us full), helps us build muscle and boost our metabolism, has only a minor effect on blood sugar, makes enzymes, peptides, steroids, and hormones that help with digestion, energy production, blood clotting, sleep, immunity, and metabolism, and requires the greatest amount of energy to digest out of all 3 macronutrients. They also help balance our pH, fluids, transport and store nutrients.

Yeah, it's pretty important.

We know individuals with a greater amount of muscle than the average person have a lower all-cause mortality as they get older. Protein (along with strength training) is vital to allow muscle to be built and / or maintained.

Bottom-line: if we want to age well, reduce disease risk, and be more mobile in our later years than what we see as the status quo, we need to be taking in enough protein.

Unless there are contraindications (some people with existing disease, for example, can't tolerate higher amounts of protein), here's what I find works really well for most people, most of the time:

.8 - 1 g of protein per lb. of bodyweight you feel most comfortable at, per day. Why that weird explanation? Excess body fat isn't very metabolically active and doesn't require much in terms of protein intake, so you can choose a number you feel your best at and use that weight to figure out protein intake instead.

If you're 150 lbs and feel good there, this would mean you're taking in 120 - 150 g protein per day. That can be daunting, but keep in mind progress is progress. If you're currently taking in about 60g a day, nudging that up to 80g over the next week or 2 would be AMAZING.

Since most of you are finding out (or already knew) that you need more protein at each meal to hit your targets, I put together a new recipe collection for you. These meals are all at least 30g of protein PLUS have at least 5g fiber, 10-20 g fat, and no more than 35g net carbs. There are some omnivore options and a couple of plant-based options. A few breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Hope you enjoyyyyy!


P.S. The other important piece to this is strength training, of course. THIS is a time efficient yet comprehensive full body circuit you could do from home or the gym.

P.P.S. 2023 is right around the corner and I am excited to continue serving you all through my free content (newsletters, blogs, social media), and services like custom meal planning, 1-on-1 coaching, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28 day metabolism-boosting course and The After Party, my monthly membership available to anyone who completes TRANSFORM. I have some cool things planned for the business next year and am really enjoying sharing more with you as it all evolves. :-) Hope you are taking some time this holiday season to just BE a bit and not always DO. That's a weakness of mine and it's particularly tricky this time of year, so I'm reminding myself of that as much as I'm reminding you.