Craving-busting meal plan

The holidays are great at ramping up cravings, huh?

It's fine. It's usually worth it, right? But it can be hard to undue swiftly unless we get to the root.

The root of cravings is often an unstable blood sugar, so balancing blood sugar well, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated (consider adding electrolytes) are all important.

I made a quick 1-day meal plan to help with the blood sugar balancing part. Day 1 is an omnivore day and Day 2 is a plant-based day. Use either or both if it'll help! GRAB IT HERE.

Get ready ... the doors for the January round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind open tomorrow and will only be open for a week. Today is the last possible day to get on the waitlist and receive a discount code.
