healthy recipe collection

Party-It-Up Recipe Collection

It's the Thursday after a holiday weekend...

At least if you're in the U.S., it is. I wanted to get this out to you before the holiday weekend, but I couldn't quite get it ready in time. (Did you hear? TRANSFORM: Body + Mind pre-launch group just wrapped up their first week of the 28-day course and it's been INCREDIBLE so far! Follow along in stories on the 'gram for behind-the-scenes.)

Anyway, since I know you and you're not a 1-and-done kinda partier, I have confidence that you'll put these recipes to good use throughout the rest of the season. ;-)

I present to you ... The Summer '22 Party-It-Up Recipe Collection.


P.S. I think you need to be on my newsletter list. You can do that RIGHT HERE.