All the free things!

Allllll the free things!

Oh hey there!

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2020 (wowza!) and hello to 2021, I wanted to make sure you were up-to-date on all the free resources I have available right now.

The New Year is usually when we have lofty plans. We collect resources. We vow to make every meal from scratch for the whole year. ;-P So I'd like to hook you up, of course. But please keep this in mind... slow and steady really does win the race. You may have experience trying to change everything up in a day only to be back in the same exact spot a year later. Does that sound familiar? I've done that too.

But this year it can be different. This year you can decide that you'll take a better approach. Maybe you'll hire a coach to walk you through and support your whole journey. Or maybe you'll do it by yourself! But either way, there are NO detoxes, cleanses, diets, workout programs, etc. that will be it.

Working on your habits, emotional / stress eating, confidence, keeping your word to yourself (yup, this is a skill to be practiced), motivation, expectations, and discipline is the foundation from which you build a new lifestyle. Skip this step and the 'new lifestyle' simply won't last or stick around, unfortunately. It's all about our brains and there's just no human way around that. ;-) If you need help, email me and let's chat. No strings attached EVER. Not my style. (

Ok, back to the free gifts!

Healthy Holiday Apps and Sides

20 Quarantine Recipes

Product Recommendations (This is a work-in-progress. I keep adding here so come back often.)

Low Glycemic Recipe E-Book

My instagram page (FULL of complete strength training workouts you can do from home)

My Facebook Group (so many extras in here -- weekly challenges, exclusive recipes, etc.)

And if you have read about my coaching program HERE and are interested, then you need to sign up for a FREE CALL RIGHT HERE so we can chat all about where you're headed.

Lots of love to you and your friends / family during this unique time.
