Saving money NOW so you can stay on top of the priority list

Money is tight for many people right now…

...and yet, more than ever we are reminded that we need to take our health into our own hands! We cannot wait for insurance companies to catch up with true health care, unfortunately. The time is now!

How are my longest clients managing to continue to pay me monthly for our important nutrition, fitness, and health coaching work during this current financial crisis?

I was curious. So I asked them. :-)

And the responses were pretty awesome! Maybe you have been looking for a sign that it's time to take the next step towards feeling INCREDIBLE and vibrant and fit and sexy. Maybe you've felt some guilt (as we do sometimes) about how to make room for a coach like me in your budget.

Or maybe it's just not in the cards for you and I to ever work together but you'd like to hear a few ideas about saving money in 2020 anyway!

Whatever the reasons that pique your interest, CHECK OUT THE VIDEO RIGHT HERE.

And if you think you're worth the $157 / month for a year so that you can feel fabulous and healthy indefinitely, here are the details of my customized, virtual (yay) coaching program. Simply hit reply to this email if you'd like to schedule a (free) time to chat some more.



P.S. Attn: MOMS…

I was recently interviewed for this piece about motherhood lessons. "Inner Beauty" is where you can find my response, but check out the whole article. It's such a beautifully written, thoughtful article.