supplements for weight loss

Supplement Guide

Which vitamins? What minerals? When? How much?

The supplement world can be so confusing, right?

And while they can be helpful for many people, they are unregulated. Yikes! And those who are allowed to prescribe them typically weren't fully informed about them in school nor are they able to take the time to individualize a supplement plan for each patient.

The more holistic docs we pay out of pocket to see often push their own 'proprietary' blends or affiliate brands of supplements and it feels like it could be a conflict of interest.

So we have people not supplementing when they might benefit if they were and other people just winging it without fully understanding implications, interactions and contraindications. Example: many people take vitamin D3 but aren't getting enough magnesium or K2 which are needed to activate D3 and help ensure calcium is deposited in more adaptive places (like bone) rather than maladaptive places (like arteries).

And many other people are just left feeling confused and looking for information any place they can find it. It leaves a lot of opportunity for progress in the system in the future, for sure.

I cannot and do not 'prescribe' supplements. But, we do have an information only, deep dive workshop in The After Party (which is my membership program that everyone gets a free month of after taking my 28-day metabolism-boosting course, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind). Check it out if you're in there now or if you're on the waitlist for the course, just know you'll be getting access to this workshop once the course is over. If you're a 1:1 client, you'll be getting this workshop as well and we'll be chatting about supplements if we haven't already. ;-)

But not all of you are inThe After Party, on the waitlist forTRANSFORM or a 1:1 client! So I wanted to make something for you. THIS SUPPLEMENT GUIDE is for informational purposes only. It's meant to answer some frequent questions I get, explain benefits of various types of supplements and act as a catalyst to start a conversation with your healthcare provider.

Hope it helps!
