non-perishable meals

What we're eating in quarantine: our healthy food plan

What are we eating during our quarantine?

Last week, on Wednesday, I recorded this video to show you a little peak into some of the healthy meals and snacks we have been relying on during this time in which we're trying to avoid stores and aiming to have more shelf-stable items on hand.

This video was recorded from my bathroom because.... #momlife ;-)

In a time in which we need to band together, share our most creative ideas, and stay connected through technology as we keep our distance for the safety of ourselves and others, I am opening up my email to all of you. Please shoot me a note at if you have a question, need to vent, want to share something, or simply want to see if we can make each other laugh today.

I have been very actively posting on my social media channels during our quarantine. If you'd like access to daily home workouts (in my stories), food prep and recipes, or 'suddenly homeschooling while working from home' life, let's connect on instagram and facebook

Stay well,

P.S. What's happened on social?

Note to Self
Toilet Paper Workout (yup, seriously)
Quarantine Lessons
Teaching you what I learned in Salsa Class: Step #1
Kids' Stool Workout