healthy breakfast idea

Steal my breakfast idea!

If it ain't broke, why fix it?

Many moons ago, I was an oatmeal-for-breakfast kinda gal. I'd add some coconut oil, cinnamon, walnuts and blueberries. It was delicious! And unfortunately, it wasn't balanced well enough so when I found out I was unwell and had some work to do, I switched up my breakfast.

I share about my daily breakfast often up in my stories on instagram, posts, or with my clients who ask for ideas. A bunch of my clients now have the same breakfast and even lovingly refer to it as "The Tara Breakfast". Ha! But I don't think I've ever shared about it in a blog post?!

Ready for it?

I typically have 1 full egg plus 1 cup of egg whites scrambled in (olive) oil and topped with: spinach, sometimes other greens or microgreens / sprouts, real sauerkraut, sriracha and salsa.

This puts me right in the sweet spot of a balanced PFF meal with 38g or so of protein, fat (from oil and egg yolk), fiber (veggies), probiotic food (sauerkraut) and then the sriracha and salsa is really just for taste. Sometimes I'll add some leftover roasted veggies in too if I have that on hand or grab kale from the garden on the rare occasions that we run out of other greens.

This breakfast fuels me well with steady energy, keeps me full until lunch, and is low carb which means I typically eat my starchy carbs at other meals / snacks throughout the day to ensure I'm getting in a moderate amount there. The savory start to the day vs. sweet start to the day also plays a role in staving off sugar cravings.

If you want to make breakfast one of your intentional carb meals, you could always add some fruit or potatoes on the side or a slice of your favorite toast.

Oh, and this meal come together much faster than going to a drive thru. No one has time to be gourmet on a Wednesday morning, amiright?

So go on ... steal my weird but oh-so-good breakfast and tell me whatcha think!

Here's a recent reel during which I was making said breakfast in case you're a visual person.


P.S. Here are a couple of ways we can work together, if you need some help with your health + body composition goals:

1) Join the waitlist for the next round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. The next round will be in January but stay tuned for an opportunity for early access like ... ahem ... a Black Friday deal or something. ;-)

2) TRANSFORM: 1:1 coaching is great for those who want a deeper dive, customization, who have unique situations or just know they need that accountability and hand-holding. Learn more here.