50 FREE tools for health optimization

Getting started (or restarted)

I love to share (and get asked often) about tools and products I use. Sauna, cold plunge, red light therapy device, exercise equipment, protein powders, supplements ... These things can be great, convenient, helpful but are usually not necessary and certainly not as effective unless they are first layered on top of some foundations (most of which are free or low cost).

So I'll keep sharing about those special tools from time to time in case it helps, but I'll also make sure I continue to share about the FREE things we have available to us that might make even more of a difference on your health, mood, body composition goals and energy levels.

Whether you'd call yourself a beginner to this whole health thing, intermediate, advanced, a dabbler, confused, or you've lost your way recently and could use some guidance in coming back home to YOU, below are some ideas. They each have their own ways they can shift our day or life and improve our physical, mental and emotional health. Take what you want, leave what you don't like or don't need right now. This is your journey and you get to advocate for yourself. <3

  1. Walk

  2. Stretch

  3. Strength train using whatever you already have (body weight, bands, dumbbells)

  4. Short sprints (run, bike, swim, rollerskate, hill repeats)

  5. Steady state cardio (jog, swim, bike, rollerskate, rower)

  6. Hike / nature walk

  7. Five or more minutes outside a day

  8. Get your grounding / Earthing in

  9. Plan, manage or start a garden

  10. Call a friend

  11. Find or connect with a community that means something to you

  12. Laugh on purpose (look up jokes, watch a comedian on TV or the internet, hang with your funny friend)

  13. Hug someone you love

  14. Sexual intimacy (partnered or solo)

  15. Breathwork

  16. Meditation

  17. Journaling

  18. Take a relaxing bath

  19. Drink more water

  20. Declutter a drawer or corner

  21. Affirmations

  22. Add something joyful to your day or calendar

  23. Learn a language on Duolingo

  24. Teach yourself something using Youtube

  25. Set boundaries clearly + kindly and follow through

  26. Read a book you already have

  27. Cold exposure using your environment or shower / bathtub

  28. Have a no complaining allowed day and take note of how high you felt all day as your brain was left searching for the positives. Same day. Same life. Same stressors. Totally different perspective.

  29. Aim to stay present (it's a practice I believe we ALL will need to practice forever without ever mastering. Challenge accepted!)

  30. Gratitude

  31. Board, card, dice or conversation starter games with family / friends

  32. Happy lists ... dream about future possibilities if anything was possible (it is) and write it out

  33. Music - listen or play

  34. Volunteer

  35. Sing or hum

  36. Cook a meal

  37. Bake something using real food ingredients

  38. Open the blinds (and windows in home, car)

  39. Sleep

  40. Turn down the heat at night so you sleep better

  41. BELIEVE that your body is capable of amazing things and if you don't yet feel that deep in your core, do the hard work until you do

  42. Decrease stress by remembering you cannot control other people (even your kids), events, the weather, etc. but you CAN control your thought patterns, behaviors, habits, way you respond to everything. And that amount of control can change your entire existence when you embrace it.

  43. Refuse to be sedentary. Even if you exercise, do not sit for many hours straight. Get up. Walk around. Makeshift standing desk. Ask work to cover a treadmill desk. Stretch while watching TV. Walking meetings. EVERYONE is trying to move more. If you lead the way, you'll probably be helping someone else feel brave enough to do the same.

  44. Give yourself 12 hours of fasting overnight.

  45. No food, alcohol or calorie-containing beverages 3 hours before bed.

  46. On that note ... work towards no alcohol, less frequent alcohol and / or less alcohol per sitting.

  47. Eat protein, fat and fiber in every meal. Most of us can skip some take out, restaurant meals or junky snacks or alcohol so focusing on PFF is NO extra cost or maybe even a savings.

  48. Get unscented everything. Skip the perfume, cologne and scented candles / laundry detergent / hair products.

  49. Dance in your kitchen. I could swear it's medicine.

  50. Do something that makes you sweat at least a few times a week (no sauna access? Take a HOT bath, go for a sweaty run, do yard work)

If you're feeling inspired, grab something from the list and do it today!


P.S. If you're looking for a much deeper dive on health optimization, fat loss, muscle building, keep in mind the waitlist is open for the March round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. Sign ups begin in 3 weeks!