strength plus 10


Strength-plus-10 is all the rage.

Well, it has been for me. Haha!

I need time efficient and effective. And I really care about making sure I incorporate everything I need for a comprehensive fitness + overall health plan. So for the last several months I've been tacking 10 minutes onto the end of my strength training sessions as a way to ensure I'm getting more of what I need into my days. My strength training sessions usually don't take more than 30-40 minutes (including when I record them for Instagram) so for a total of 40-50 minutes, I'm able to check off a couple of things that really help me stay on top of my health goals.

Here are some of the things I've been adding:

  • Steady state cardio. Adding 10 minutes here and there on top of specific cardio-focused days helps me with my VO2 max goal. I might hop on the bike, go for a quick power walk or dance to 3 high energy songs.

  • HIIT. High intensity interval training is so beneficial to cardiovascular health and also improves our mitochondria and metabolic flexibility. The cool thing is it hardly takes any time! One or 2 10-minute sessions a week is great! I'll do intervals (push-rest-push) on the bike, sprints, or some heart-pumping exercise intervals like burpees or jumping jacks.

  • Stretch / mobility work. I have a goal to stay bendy for as long as possible.

  • Shoulder rehab (I currently have a torn labrum, bursitis and a bruised clavicle)

  • Foam roll for circulation and to break up tight fascia.

  • Red light therapy / infrared light therapy session for improved mitochondria, increased metabolic flexibility (fat burning), improved healing, mood, circadian rhythm, slower rate of "aging" (damage accumulation), aid in detoxification, blood sugar management, immune support, skin and wound healing. The list of benefits is LONG but I'm most interested for the metabolic health benefits. THIS is the one I have and love and that link will save you 41% off. No code needed. Discount won't show up until you actually add to cart. Not in the budget right now? I get it! Just get outside around sunrise + sunset each day for the same benefits. <3

  • Yoga. Bendy thing again. ;-)

  • Inversions for balance, fun, increased circulation to face / brain / scalp

  • Low-EMF infrared sauna (though I'll usually do this longer than 10 minutes and just start my work day from there). It's wonderful for increasing detoxification through sweating, infrared exposure, metabolic health, mood, cardiovascular health and a staple in my weeks for sure.

  • Cold exposure (though I'll usually do this shorter than 10 minutes)

Turning my strength training sessions (usually 4 per week) into strength-plus-10 sessions has been ridiculously helpful to me. If at all possible, give it a try! Use the extra 10 minutes for whatever your current goal is or switch it up based on what you / your body needs most that day.


P.S. The waitlist for the March round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind will close one week from today! It's my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. Check out details here and hop on the waitlist while you still can if you're ready to have a different Summer and rest of your life.