healthy restaurant choicess

"But vacay and weekends always throw me off!"

You've spent so many years dieting on and off that by this point, weekends and vacays feel like a free-for-all or a miserable case of FOMO.

Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little but I bet I'm not too far off, right?

But what would it feel like to never need to 'start over' again? How much would you be able to enjoy your company ... and your tacos ... if you weren't feeling guilty before you even got to the restaurant? What would you even think about afterwards if you weren't preoccupied with bloating and sluggishness?

With spring having just sprung here (YAY!), I know that usually means more social plans, getaways, or random Tuesday night take out on the deck will be going down. Here are 4 tips to help you feel like you have a plan going in that will keep you in the driver's seat, help you feel great, and make sure you never feel like you have to "start over" again.

Pick 1 tip and try it on for size. Or, mix n' match these depending on the plans. Food and drinks are meant to be enjoyed right alongside optimal health and don't-mind-if-I-do energy. ;-)

Which one are you gonna test drive first?

Happy Spring-ing,