fitness moms

Get your first pullup: progressions

Are pull-ups one of your fitness goals?

I posted a reel on instagram last week detailing what steps to take to work your way up to your first pull-up. I had over 100 people save this reel just within a half hour or so, which is A LOT for my little slice of social media real estate. That -- and the comments -- tell me this is a BIG goal for many of you.

So, I decided I wanted to share it with you here too in case you missed it -- but with more detail I wasn't able to share on that reel. How often should you do these practice exercises? Which days? How much rest? Any other considerations? How long will it take before you're showing off your new skills on every playground, horizontal bar or ledge you come across?

It's all here in this 3-minute video. 

I've been pretty obsessed with pull-ups since an elementary school gym teacher told me "Most girls and women can't do pull-ups" after I wanted to have a go at it and he just wanted to give zeros to all the girls across the board. :-/ And if you have that fire in you too, I hope this helps!

If pull-ups are not something you ever care about trying or are doing lots of already, maybe you'll enjoy this one about how to determine whether your strength workout is 'effective' or not.


P.S. The cart opens in 4 weeks for the next round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. This course teaches you about deep health and how your metabolism works so you can incorporate more choices into your lifestyle that allow you to achieve your goals without dieting or feeling confused. This approach is not really out there yet (which is CRAZY to me!), but is such a powerful approach as it allows us to chase our health goals and body goals at the same time and without obsessively tracking a freaking thing. Just learning. Your only job is to learn. Anyway, it's been pretty life-changing for those who have done the previous rounds. That's not easy for me to say b/c it feels weird, but that's what THEY are saying.

If you're not happy with where things are at and feel like there's got to be a better way, it's because there IS. I'd love to teach it to you. Hop on the waitlist now so you'll be notified when the cart opens and get a discount code.