Meet you ... a year from now

I know you love recipes and fat loss / muscle-building tips.

And I'll be back with more of that stuff soon. But more than ever in the past week I've been hearing people tell me they feel like they need to get their mind right. I don't know about mercury or retrograde or if that can even be to blame here. Maybe it's the fact that we've had quite the few years lately ... like, as a collective. I dunno. But it's clear: many of you are feeling off. Frustrated. Disappointed with where you're at. Worried that it'll never change ...

So I want to take you through another exercise today. A visualization. Ya ready?

I want you to start out by writing down -- preferably on real, actual paper -- who you'd like to be one year from now. On August 2, 2023 ...

What time do you wake up?
How do you feel in your body when you open your eyes?
What kinds of things make you excited to get up?
What are you wearing?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What's in your glass / mug?
How do you feel about your choices? Clear + confident? At peace?
What are the priorities in your day?
Is it a rest day? A strength day? Cardio? Maybe just a nice, long walk?
What is your energy and mood like in the morning? After lunch? At dinnertime?
Do you do anything for self care? (I define this as something that relaxes you or brings you joy in the moment AND afterwards)
If so, what is it?
Have you picked up any new hobbies or resumed some old ones you were missing?
What are your weekends like?
How do you feel about your body?
Have you aged a year or does it feel like you've turned back your biological time instead?
What's your evening routine like?
Do you still have a power struggle with food / alcohol?
What time do you go to bed?
What does your family think about the new you?
How do your changes influence the way they might treat themselves in the future?

You get the idea. ;-) Answer all of those, some of them, or feel free to add your own. Answer it as if ANYTHING were possible. Be so BOLD in your responses that you might be incredibly embarrassed if anyone else were to stumble upon this.

And then -- this is the fun part -- I want you to record it. Video or audio ... that's your call. But read it as if you're sharing a day in the life of YOU in a year. 

It's August 2, 2023. I just got up at _______. I'm feeling _______. I cannot wait to ______. Etc. etc.

Are you game?? If you are a skeptic, I get it. But this isn't as woo woo as you might think. Visualizations that appeal to all the senses are powerful ways for us to 1) reveal to ourselves things we may not have realized we wanted, 2) allow for 'practice runs' in our brain so as we make changes that bring us closer to this reality, it doesn't feel so foreign and misaligned with our identity, and 3) interrupts the way our brain usually tells us we want a change by going from thinking about what we don't want to thinking about what we do.

Make it a whole thing if you can. Light a (clean) candle. Make some tea. Put on music. Or sit outside on the stoop while the morning sunlight pokes you in the eye. ;-) Or don't. If things are too crazy and you just have to squeeze it in, go for it. 

Hope you enjoy this one!


P.S. I just added some of the wins of those who went through the pre-launch group of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind to the info. page. Check it out if you enjoy reading about others' success stories too! As a reminder, the next group starts in September. If you're interested in joining us for that round, make sure you reserve a spot by joining the waitlist. Waitlist peeps will be getting a discount code when the cart opens, too. Woo hoo!!!