Is it soup season yet?

It's meteorological Fall!

That means we put on jeans and a flannel to go to the pumpkin farm ... but it's still 90 degrees out for awhile and we regret every bit of our wardrobe choices.

But whether you love the Fall like me or not, it's coming. So I created a little something special to celebrate the occasion with you. This PFF Soup Collection features 9 different recipes that are all well-balanced for fat loss, muscle-building, "toning up", blood sugar, energy, mood, gut health, hormone and / or longevity goals.

Speaking of which ... those are just some of the topics we'll be covering in the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. If you have any of the above goals and want to learn how to make sustainable progress towards them in a HEALTHY way that feels great, you should probably know that enrollment will be opening TOMORROW. If you have not yet taken the course, come back tomorrow and use this link to enroll.
