Why your healthy diet may not be working... or healthy!

Which diet is healthiest?

Paleo? Keto? Vegan? Carnivore? Blood Type?

It depends. Truthfully, most questions worth asking do not have a black or white answer. Marketing peeps want you to this so, of course. But those rooted in real science and true health feel differently.

Bioindividuality is the name of the game. However, we do know a few common 'rules' about healthy ways of eating - including eating more real, whole foods than processed foods... and not allowing our dietary choices to cause more harm than good by causing dogmatism and stress.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO where I got into this a bit more last week.

Do you lean towards eating a certain way? Have you figured out what works best for your body yet? It's such a great feeling when the food noise and restrict / binge cycles are broken. Imagine how much more time and sanity you'll get back when your brain isn't ruminating on food choices all day long!

I hope you're there already, because it's beautiful. But if you're not, I'd love to help! This is what I do with my clients. I help them optimize their body and mindset through lifestyle choices, nutrition, and fitness. They stop fearing food and stop hating on their bodies. They start feeling better and stronger. Their energy increases and sustains them throughout their daily activities without needing a sugar or caffeine S.O.S. mid-afternoon. And, they do all of this from the comfort of their home and within their own schedule. I'm not sure if there's a better time than to focus on health and longevity than right now! 

If you'd like to chat about your goals and next steps, I'm offering (free) 15-minute calls on a first come, first serve basis. You're welcome to sign up for one! Here's my schedule.

I've been sharing links to my social media posts here inside these newsletters recently. I decided to skip it today, but with the idea that I want to ask you... did you enjoy the links? Was it helpful to have a snapshot of the week in one spot? Please reply to this email and let me know if you'd like me to continue with that. If there's enough interest, I'm happy to start it back up again. :-)

In the meantime (like, for this week) feel free to click on the social links below to check out the recent workouts, recipes, and other posts.
