Fat Loss Meal Plan (2022)


Fat Loss Meal Plan (2022)


If you hang out with me on social media or receive my newsletters, you probably already know how important it is that we BOOST our metabolism and focus on deep health, even for fat loss goals. Eat less and exercise more rarely works or lasts as we cannot diet our way down to malnourished amounts and wonder why we are doing terribly.

Instead, we need to focus on revving up the fire inside of us. A big part of this comes down to eating enough protein, healthy fats for happy and balanced hormones, fiber for gut health, and intentional carbs (enough, but not too much).

If you're thinking, "That sounds great, Tara, but WTH does that look like?", then this meal plan is for you!

I designed this plan to make sure all meals have 20-40g of protein, 5-15g of fiber, and 10-30g of fat. You'll notice starchy carbs and fruit are included with some of the meals, but not all for an intentional blood sugar balancing approach.

What you'll get:

*TWO 7-Day meal plans ... an omnivore version and a plant-based version. Feel free to mix and match or just use the one that pertains to your preferences. Both happen to be gluten-free.

*Grocery lists

*Meal Plan

*All of the tasty recipes

Feel free to use as a plan or simply as a recipe resource to pull from whenever you need a new, metabolism-boosting meal to try out.

Hope you enjoyyyyyyyyy!



P.S. The link expires 24 hours after you get it, so be sure to save and / or print.

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